Reformed Theological Seminary


RTS Jackson Announces Application Deadlines for the 2020 Master of Arts in Counseling Cohort

(JACKSON, Miss.) — The Admissions Office and Counseling Department of Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson are pleased to announce the release of two Master of Arts in Counseling (MAC) admission review cycles for students seeking enrollment into the 2020 MAC cohort. Dr. Jim Hurley, founding professor of the Counseling program, remarked, “Each summer, we welcome up […]

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Dr. Ayman Ibrahim to Speak at 2019 Missions Conference

(JACKSON, Miss.) — Dr. Ayman Ibrahim will serve as the keynote speaker for the RTS Jackson Missions Conference on September 10 and 11, 2019. Dr. Ibrahim will be speaking on the topic “Reaching Out To My Muslim Neighbor.” Dr. Ibrahim was born and raised in Egypt. Since 1991, he has taught in various countries in […]

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Rev. H.B. Charles to Deliver 2019 John Reed Miller Preaching Lectures at RTS Jackson

Reformed Theological Seminary is pleased to announce that Rev. H.B. Charles, Jr., will deliver the 2019 John Reed Miller Preaching Lectures at RTS Jackson. Rev. Charles is the pastor-teacher of Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida. He has served in this role since 2008. Prior to joining his present church, he led the Mt. […]

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Dr. J.V. Fesko to Join Faculty at RTS Jackson

(JACKSON, Miss.) – The Board of Trustees of Reformed Theological Seminary is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. John V. Fesko to the faculty of the Jackson campus. He will serve as the Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology beginning June 1, 2019. Since 2009, Dr. Fesko served as the Academic Dean and Professor of Systematic […]

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Step Morgan Appointed as New Director of Admissions

We are pleased to announce Step Morgan as the new Director of Admissions at RTS Jackson. Step is currently a third year MDiv student at RTS Jackson, and is an active member of Redeemer Church, PCA. He brings to this position his prior experience serving in both ministry and business contexts. He worked as Camp […]

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Torah Scroll to be Donated and Dedicated at Convocation, August 24

RTS Jackson cordially invites you to our 51st Convocation and the unveiling and dedication of an ancient Torah scroll on August 24. Convocation will begin at 11:00am at Grace Chapel and Dr. Bruce Baugus, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Theology, will give the Convocation address, entitled “Coram Scriptura, Coram Deo: Spiritual Despair and Exegetical Defiance […]

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Wingard To Be Installed As Senior Pastor February 14

Dr. Charlie Wingard will be installed as Senior Pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Yazoo City on February 14 at 6:00 pm. Dr. Ligon Duncan will preach and Dr. Guy Richardson will deliver the charge to the pastor.  Having recently celebrated his 30th year of ordained ministry, Dr. Wingard is delighted at the opportunity to […]

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Faculty Celebrate Ministry Milestones

2015 marks a year of milestones for many RTS Jackson faculty. Jim Hurley, Academic Director and Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy for the MFTC program, is celebrating his 40th year of ordination in the Presbyterian Church in America this year. Elias Medeiros, Professor of Missions, is also celebrating 40 years of ordained ministry. Dean of […]

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Carl Ellis Named Senior Research Fellow with AALI

Rev. Dr. Carl Ellis, Jr. has been named Senior Research Fellow with the African American Leadership Initiative (AALI) at RTS.  Ellis has guest-lectured, taught courses, and served as an AALI mentor at RTS Jackson.  On September 6, Ellis tweeted, “I couldn’t be more honored to be named Sr Research Fellow for African American Leadership Initiative” […]

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Duncan’s Inauguration as Chancellor & Conversation

On October 2, 2014, Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III was installed as Reformed Theological Seminary’s fifth Chancellor in an inauguration ceremony hosted at First Presbyterian Church, Jackson.  The next morning at Grace Chapel on the campus of RTS Jackson, Ligon Duncan, Al Mohler, and Derek Thomas discussed the Direction of and Trends in the American […]

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Young Elected President of the National Baptist Convention

Dr. Jerry Young has been elected President of the National Baptist Convention, USA. Young was elected to his five-year term as President on September 4, during the 134th annual session of the National Baptist Convention held in New Orleans.  Dr. Young became the first Mississippi pastor to be chosen for the position.  He has served […]

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RTS Trained Counselors Serve Disaster Area

At least 15 tornadoes were on the ground in Mississippi on Monday, April 28. One of them went through Louisville, Miss., as an EF-4 with winds of about 200 mph. There was much loss of life and possessions. According to Sherry Lanier, MNA disaster response and short-term missions facilitator, a team of RTS trained counselors […]

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McKelvey Appointed to Teach Old Testament

Reformed Theological Seminary is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Michael G. McKelvey as assistant professor of Old Testament at RTS Jackson. He will begin on January 1, 2014.   McKelvey is the pastor of Crosspoint Church of Asheville, NC, and previously pastored in Pennsylvania. He received a Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Old […]

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Duncan, Thomas, and Lucas: Pastor-Scholars in Our Classrooms

Dr. Ligon Duncan, Senior Minister at First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, MS, Dr. Derek Thomas, Minister of Preaching and Teaching at First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC, and Dr. Sean Lucas, Senior Pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Hattiesburg, MS, teach Historical and Systematic Theology from a pastor’s perspective.  Their work from the pulpit and […]

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Promoting Racial Diversity and Biblical Truth–Two RTS Students Launch the Reformed African American Network

Anyone who desires to see biblical truth promoted among racially diverse peoples has reason to be excited about the Reformed African American Network (RAAN).  Christ commanded His disciples to take the Good News of His salvation to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).  To the extent Reformed theology teaches […]

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The African American Leadership Initiative Hosts AALDR

The African American Leadership Initiative at RTS Jackson partnered with Mission to North America and Redeemer Church, Jackson, to host the African American Leadership Development and Recruitment weekend in Jackson over Labor Day weekend 2012 (August 31 – September 2) right after Hurricane Isaac.  With more than 80 in attendance from all over the US […]

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