Mr. Matt McQuade
Director of Visual Media
Dr. Elias dos Santos Medeiros
Professor of Missions, Emeritus • Director of the Brazil DMin Program
Dr. Aaron Menikoff
Adjunct Professor of Church History
The Rev. Aaron Messner
Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Theology
Mrs. Emily Messina
Admissions Assistant
Mrs. Colby Mikhail
Ms. Jaime Miller
Instructional Design and Graphics
Mr. Nate Mills
Admissions Assistant
Mr. Rafael Montano
Assistant to the Clinic Director
Mr. John R. Muether
Professor of Church History • Dean of Libraries
Mrs. Michelle Murphey
Director of Human Resources
Mrs. Caroline Newheiser
Coordinator of Women’s Counseling
Dr. James R. Newheiser, Jr.
Professor of Christian Counseling and Pastoral Theology • Director of the Christian Counseling Program
Rev. Peter Nicholas
Guest Lecturer
Dr. John W. P. Oliver
Professor of Homiletics and Practical Theology Emeritus
The Rev. Mike Osborne
Dean of Students • Director of Field Education and Placement