About Mr. Muether
John Muether joined RTS-Orlando as Library Director in 1989. Mr. Muether also serves as Professor of Church History, teaching core courses on education in the church, Christian engagement with culture and church government as well as elective courses on various topics.
Prior to joining RTS, Mr. Muether served on the library staff at Harvard Divinity School and directed the libraries at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, MI, and Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia.
Mr. Muether has authored and coauthored several books, including multiple works related to the history of Presbyterianism in America, a biography of Christian philosopher and theologian Cornelius Van Til, a discussion of Reformed church worship and a compilation of bibliographic references for theological research.
Mr. Muether has served his local church for years as a ruling elder and clerk of the session and has held regional and national leadership roles in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Mr. Muether serves as the denominational historian and sits on national committees for Christian education and ministerial training.
A native of Long Island, New York, Mr. Muether and his wife, Kathy, have four children. He and his wife co-edited a compilation of love stories set in Maine.
- Co-editor with Danny E. Olinger and contributor, Confident of Better Things: Essays Commemorating Seventy-Five Years of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (Committee for the Historian of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, 2011)
- Cornelius Van Til: Reformed Apologist and Churchman (P&R Publishing, 2008)
- Co-editor with Kathryn Muether, Love on the Rocks: Stories of Rusticators and Romance on Mount Desert Island (Islandport Press, 2008)
- Coauthor with D. G. Hart, Seeking a Better Country: 300 Years of American Presbyterianism. (P&R Publishing, 2007)
- The First Forty Years: Reformed Theological Seminary (Reformed Theological Seminary, 2007)
- Coauthor with D. G. Hart, With Reverence and Awe: Returning to the Basics of Reformed Worship (P&R Publishing, 2002)
- Co-editor with Howard Griffith, Creator, Redeemer, Consummator: A Festschrift for Meredith G. Kline (Reformed Academic Press, 2000)
- Index to the Minutes of the General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, 1936-1996 (Committee for the Historian of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, 1998)
- Coauthor, Fighting the Good Fight: A Brief History of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (Committee for the Historian of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, 1995)
- Coauthor, Reference Works for Theological Research (University Press of America, 1992)
- “John Updike’s Christian America,” in R. Scott Clark and Joel E. Kim, eds., Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. Robert Godfrey. Escondido, CA: Westminster Seminary California (2010).
- “Turning Points in American Presbyterian History” (co-author with D. G. Hart). New Horizons, 2006-2007 (fourteen-part series).
- “The Whole Counsel of God: Westminster Seminary and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church,” in: David VanDrunen, ed., The Pattern of Sound Doctrine: Systematic Theology at the Westminster Seminaries. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R (2004), 223-245.
- “Roger Nicole: Scholar, Gentleman, and Book Rat,” biographical introduction to: Standing Forth: Collected Writings of Roger Nicole. Fearn, Ross-shire: Christian Focus (2002), 1-5.
- “So Great a Salvation,” Modern Reformation 10:3 (May-Jun 2001), 6-8.
- “A Sixth Sola?” Modern Reformation 7:4 (Jul-Aug 1998), 24-28.
- “The Story of an Encounter,” in Richard John Neuhaus, ed., Augustine Today. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans (1993), 111-156.
- “The Theonomic Attraction,” in William S. Barker and W. Robert Godfrey, eds., Theonomy: a Reformed Critique. Grand Rapids: Zondervan (1990), 245-259.
- “Evangelicals and the Bible: A Bibliographic Postscript,” in Harvie M. Conn, ed., Inerrancy and Hermeneutic. Grand Rapids: Baker (1988), 253-264.
- “Contemporary Evangelicalism and the Triumph of the New School,” Westminster Theological Journal 50 (1988), 339-347.
- Several articles in Tabletalk (Ligonier Ministries), Ordained Servant, New Horizons in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, and the RTS Reformed Quarterly magazine.