Imagery In Revelation
Episode 71
Dr. Thomas Keene
July 21, 2021
RTS Book Notes: The Doctrine of the Word of God
July 1, 2021
RTS Book Notes: The Question of Canon & Canon Revisited
Dr. Ligon Duncan
June 10, 2021
How Was The New Testament Formed? (ft. Michael J. Kruger)
Episode 59
Dr. Gray Sutanto
April 28, 2021
Improving Exegetical Skill
Dr. Benjamin Gladd
April 21, 2021
How should we understand the book of Revelation?
Dr. Thomas Keene
April 6, 2021

Handbook on the Gospels
Dr. Benjamin Gladd
April 6, 2021

The Trinity & the Bible
On Theological Interpretation
Dr. Scott Swain
April 6, 2021
How could the Israelites know what Scripture taught?
Dr. Will Ross
March 30, 2021
RTS Book Notes: A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament
Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 21, 2021
RTS Book Notes: A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the Old Testament
Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 14, 2021
The Doctrine of Scripture
Dr. Guy Waters
December 15, 2020
A Covenantal Benediction
Chancellor's Message
Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 16, 2020

For the Mouth of the Lord Has Spoken
The Doctrine of Scripture
Dr. Guy Waters
October 7, 2020
Seeing Christ in the Old Testament
Dr. Gregory Beale
September 15, 2020

Songs of a Suffering King
The Grand Christ Hymn of Psalms 1–8
Dr. John V. Fesko
August 18, 2020