Vocational Services

Search our database of vocational services where students can find opportunities to serve and work while in seminary.

Field Education

Welcome to the Field Education site. Here you can find all the information necessary to fulfill the Field Ed. requirement to graduate from RTS Orlando with the M.Div. degree.

Counseling Clinic

The Oviedo Counseling Clinic is a community mental health facility located at the seminary where Master of Arts in Counseling students serve as graduate intern counselors. RTS has partnered with Northland Church since 1994 to staff the clinic with student counselors so the Central Florida community can have access to affordable Christ-centered counseling.

Student Health Insurance

As of January 1, 2019, the Affordable Care Act eliminated the Individual Mandate, which requires Americans to purchase a minimum level of health insurance coverage. There will no longer be a penalty for not having a minimum level of health insurance coverage. Due to the change in the Affordable Care Act, RTS no longer requires all full-time students (with one exception mentioned below) to show proof of major medical insurance.