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Each morning for three weeks, you’ll receive a short devotion from one of our professors to help you meditate on the goodness of God. Start your days with Listen and Draw Near: A 21-Day Devotional from RTS Faculty and hear from godly pastors on topics such as prayer, wisdom, grace, contentment, and more.

Preview Day 1

Day 1: Listen and Draw Near
William Wood
Zephaniah 3:1-2

In Zephaniah 3:1-2, the Lord presents an indictment against the city of Jerusalem. A city called to righteousness and holiness in the presence of God is described as rebellious, defiled, and oppressive (vs. 1). In verse two, the Lord presents two categories of indictment as the basis for their defilement: the people’s relation to the Word of God and therefore their relation to the Lord himself.

In the first category of indictment, this rebellious city is described as one that “listens to no voice” and “accepts no correction.” It is within this context —  how the people respond to God’s Word — that their relation with God is then expressed in the second category where they “do not trust in the Lord” and “do not draw near to her God.”

These verses shows a direct relationship to how one views the Word of God to how one views the Lord Himself. If you have ever asked yourself “am I drawing near to God” or “am I truly seeking him and fully trusting in the Lord,” then you may gauge your answer by how you listen to God in your stance to His Word…

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