Longtime New Testament professor named executive director of TGC’s Carson Center

JACKSON, Miss. — After 12 years of exemplary service to Reformed Theological Seminary, Dr. Benjamin Gladd will be transitioning from his role as Professor of New Testament following the spring semester. Dr. Gladd has accepted a call to serve as Executive Director of The Gospel Coalition’s Carson Center for Theological Renewal.
Dr. Gladd joined the faculty of RTS Jackson in 2012. He holds a B.A. in Greek and Hebrew from The Master’s College and completed an MA in biblical exegesis and a Ph.D. in New Testament from Wheaton College. He has also been an adjunct faculty member at Wheaton.
A prolific researcher, Dr. Gladd has written or contributed to numerous books. Most recently, he is the co-editor with Drs. G.K. Beale, D.A. Carson, and Andrew Naselli of the Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament (Baker, 2023). In addition to his work at RTS, he serves on the editorial board of Themelios.
“I am so proud of my friend Ben Gladd for being selected to lead The Gospel Coalition’s Carson Center for Theological Renewal. Ben is just the perfect person to do this, and I look forward to supporting him and working alongside of him, as I serve on the board and council of TGC,” said Dr. Ligon Duncan, RTS Chancellor and Jackson campus President. “People all over the world appreciate the quality of the faculty of RTS and seek them out to lead important collaborative scholarly efforts. It comes as no surprise at all to me that Ben would be sought out for this position. All of us at RTS are thrilled for him, look forward to great things from his leadership in this new role.”
Founded in 2023, the Carson Center “exists to foster spiritual renewal around the world by providing excellent theological resources for the whole church.” Dr. Gladd will be the center’s inaugural executive director. He will continue teaching at RTS Jackson for the remainder of the spring semester before relocating this summer.
Dr. Guy Waters, RTS Jackson Academic Dean, also congratulated Dr. Gladd on his new role: “Dr. Ben Gladd has served RTS faithfully for over a decade with careful biblical scholarship and cheerful service to students and colleagues. While I will miss his presence on the faculty at RTS Jackson, I am grateful that he will be leading The Carson Center for Theological Renewal. Ben’s academic gifts, his passion for teaching, and his desire to see the church grow in biblical understanding make him an ideal leader for this promising new work.”
“I love Reformed Theological Seminary! I’ve spent the last twelve years learning a great deal from the faculty, staff, and students,” said Dr. Gladd. “And while I’m eager to serve The Gospel Coalition, I look forward to many more years of service to and friendship with RTS.”
Read more about Dr. Gladd’s new appointment at The Gospel Coalition.