CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Reformed Theological Seminary is pleased to announce that Dr. William A. Ross was named Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program, effective August 1, 2023. Dr. Ross will succeed Dr. Don Fortson, who recently announced his retirement from RTS after over 25 years.
In his new role, Dr. Ross will take on various administrative responsibilities related to the RTS DMin program, a professional doctoral program designed to help those in full-time pastoral ministry sharpen ministry skills, enjoy fellowship with other pastors, and deepen their understanding of Scripture and the Reformed tradition. John Muether will continue to serve as assistant director of the program.
“Among other things, a DMin director guides and coaches students as they prepare for their final project, which has a large academic component,” said Dr. Robert Cara, RTS Provost. “Dr. Ross’s proven academic abilities as shown by a notable number of publications will result in his helping students improve their research and writing skills. Dr. Ross is well known in the academic community for his expertise on the Septuagint. Of course, as do all RTS professors, he loves the Old and New Testaments, Reformed theology, and how these relate to modern pastoral issues.”
Dr. Ross joined the faculty of RTS Charlotte in 2019 and was promoted to Associate Professor of Old Testament in 2022. He teaches courses in biblical interpretation and ancient languages, including Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. Dr. Ross completed his Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge as a Cambridge Trust Scholar under the late Dr. James K. Aitken, specializing in the Septuagint, Greek lexicography, and the textual history of the Bible. Previously, he studied at Westminster Theological Seminary (MDiv) and Grove City College (B.S.).
“As the soon-to-be former DMin director of RTS, I am delighted that Dr. Will Ross will be my successor!” said Dr. Fortson. “Will has been my colleague for a number of years now, and I have been very impressed with his character, scholarship, and commitment to Christ and his church. I have no doubt he will take our great DMin program to the next level in the future!”
Dr. Fortson will continue serving as the program director through July 31. Recently, the Executive Committee of the RTS Board of Trustees voted to name Dr. Fortson Professor of Church History and Pastoral Theology Emeritus upon his retirement.