General Information

Job Title:


Job Description:

New Life Fellowship Church of Graham Washington is in search of a new pastor.  We are looking for a more Conservative Pastor preferably from the Northwest with previous ministry experience, married in his 40’s that is seeking a permanent senior pastor position.  We are a small town in a growing community. Our church was established 45 years ago and now consists of about 200 members with an active Elder and Deacon Board.

Position Qualifications:

This is a full-time position, requiring full vocational capacity

• Demonstrated record of conformity with each Biblical requirement of an Elder as found in 1  Timothy 3; Titus 1; and 1 Peter 5

• Demonstrated record of dynamic, sound, Biblical preaching in an expository fashion. 2 Timothy  4:1-5

• Demonstrated record of a strong teaching background

• Demonstrated record of being a clear communicator, both from the pulpit and interpersonally • Married and has raised or is raising or has raised one or more children

• Has or is in the process of completing a Certificate or Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biblical Studies

• Willingness to minister in a rural setting that draws from numerous community areas

• Proven administrative skills, including successful involvement with leading a team of employees

• Inspire the congregation to be evangelistic and to fulfill the Great Commandment (Matthew  22:36-40) and Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20)

• Aligned with our church doctrine as set forth in our doctrinal statements

• Aligned with our church polity (a plurality of elder leadership, with the pastor as elder ex officio)

• Able to properly balance family life with ministry, including having a wife fully “on board” being the wife of a pastor


Please contact us for more information or to answer more detailed questions.

Application Deadline


Job Type:

Full Time

Salary Range:


General Information

Church/Organization Name

New Life Fellowship of Graham

Contact Name & Contact Info

(253) 312-3583




Baptist - Other

City, State

Graham, WA

Description of Organization

New Life Fellowship Church of Graham Washington is in search of a new pastor.   We are a small town in a growing community. Our church was established 45 years ago and now consists of about 200 members with an active Elder and Deacon Board.

Contact Via Email