General Information

Job Title:

Church Planters Wanted

Job Description:

We are looking for qualified church planters to join the work of starting new churches in one of the least-Bible minded part of the country. We want to see new churches planted in the places we live – churches willing to love and serve their neighbors with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We have locations in Syracuse and Oneonta where people are praying for a PCA church to come to their city. Albany, the capital of New York State, desperately needs a reformed gospel witness. We have other locations both rural and urban that need the hope that Christ brings.

Come to New York and see the needs of our neighbors!

Position Qualifications:

Qualified candidates will need be skilled evangelists, demonstrating an ability to contextualize the gospel for neighbors who often know very little about the Scriptures. They will need to be both tenacious and patient, willing to labor in a hard place. They will need the administrative competencies that go into fundraising and starting a new church. Lastly, they ought to be able and willing to collaborate with the New York State Presbytery, as brothers co-laboring in gospel ministry.

Application Deadline

Job Type:

Full Time

Salary Range:


General Information

Church/Organization Name

Plant Upstate

Contact Name & Contact Info

(607) 624-5965




Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)

City, State

Albany, NY

Description of Organization

We are the church planting committee of the New York State Presbytery, focused on starting new Christ-centered churches and supporting our planters engaged in the work.

Contact Via Email