Reformed Theological Seminary


RTS Jackson Announces Urban Apologetics Course with Dr. Carl Ellis

(JACKSON, Miss.) — Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson is excited to welcome Dr. Carl Ellis for a course on Urban Apologetics in the fall 2021 semester. The class will be held on September 10 and 11. Urban Apologetics explores the hidden forces behind cultural conflict and suggests biblical ways to address these conflicts. The course will […]

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RTS Jackson Hosts 56th Convocation

(JACKSON, Miss.) – Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson will host its 56th Convocation on August 25, 2021. Convocation will launch RTS Jackson’s 2021-2022 academic year. Dr. John Fesko, Harriet Barbour Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, will give the address, entitled, “Jonah and the Fish: Hope in the Face of Death.” Dr. Fesko commented, “After more than a […]

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RTS Orlando Hosts Convocation for 2021-2022 Academic Year

(OVIEDO, Fla.) – RTS Orlando will mark the official beginning of the new academic year with its annual Convocation on August 25. As the hard work and sacrifices of the year await students and faculty alike, Convocation is a moment to recognize that all are part of the work that God is doing at the […]

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RTS Charlotte Announces Fall 2021 Chapel Schedule

(CHARLOTTE, N.C.) – Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte is pleased to announce its fall chapel schedule. From August to November, RTS professors will preach each Tuesday morning from 10:00-10:30 am. President Michael Kruger commented on the purpose of chapel: “One of the fundamental tenets of Reformed theology is the centrality of preaching. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones said, ‘The […]

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Menikoff, Wynne Appointed at RTS Atlanta

(MARIETTA, Ga.) – The Board of Trustees of Reformed Theological Seminary is pleased to announce that Drs. Aaron Menikoff and Carlton Wynne have been appointed as adjunct professors at RTS Atlanta. Dr. Menikoff is Adjunct Professor of Church History and Dr. Wynne is Adjunct Professor of Systematic Theology. Dr. Guy Richard, President of RTS Atlanta, […]

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Dr. Guy M. Richard Appointed as President of RTS Atlanta

(MARIETTA, Ga.) – Reformed Theological Seminary is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Guy M. Richard as President of RTS Atlanta, effective August 5, 2021. Dr. Richard has been serving as executive director at the Atlanta campus and will continue in his role as associate professor. Since Dr. Richard’s appointment as executive director in 2017, […]

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Douglas Baker Appointed as Chancellor’s Chief of Staff

Reformed Theological Seminary is pleased to announce that Douglas Baker has been appointed as Chancellor’s Chief of Staff, effective August 5, 2021. At RTS, Baker will assist Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III in his duties as chancellor and serve as a liaison between the Chancellor’s Office, the RTS Board of Trustees, and administration. He will assist […]

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Elizabeth Pennock Defends Dissertation

(OVIEDO, Fla.) — Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando is pleased to announce that Elizabeth Pennock has successfully defended her doctoral thesis and officially earned her Ph.D. from the University of Central Florida. A graduate of the RTS MAC program, Dr. Pennock has served as Assistant Professor of Counseling since 2019, teaching a range of core courses […]

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Coronavirus Updates

Updated July 12, 2021, 11:30 AM CT This fall, all of our campuses are offering in-person classes, including RTS New York City.   Updated May 27, 2021, 6:00 PM CT Dr. Duncan reflects on the past year and provides an update for the rest of 2021.   Updated September 14, 2:45 PM CT Dr. Duncan […]

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Dr. Miles Van Pelt Teaches Akkadian at RTS Jackson

(JACKSON, Miss.) — Dr. Miles Van Pelt, Alan Hayes Belcher, Jr. Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages and Academic Dean, taught the Akkadian language as an elective course at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson during the spring 2021 semester. Akkadian is an ancient Semitic language, sharing many common linguistic features with Hebrew and Aramaic. It […]

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Dr. John S. Redd Appointed as “Stephen B. Elmer Professor of Old Testament” at RTS Washington

(VIENNA, Va.) – Reformed Theological Seminary, Washington is pleased to announce that the newly formed Stephen B. Elmer Chair of Old Testament will be assigned to Dr. John S. Redd, Jr. Dr. Redd currently serves as president of the Washington campus. Dr. Redd has also been promoted from associate professor to professor of Old Testament […]

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Dr. Julius Kim to Deliver 2021 John Reed Miller Preaching Lectures

(JACKSON, Miss.) – Reformed Theological Seminary is pleased to announce that Dr. Julius J. Kim will deliver the 2021 John Reed Miller Preaching Lectures at RTS Jackson. Dr. Kim serves as the president of The Gospel Coalition, a position he has held since February 2020. Prior to that, he served for 20 years as the […]

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Dr. Guy Richardson Retires From RTS

(JACKSON, Miss.) — On May 31, 2021, Dr. Guy Richardson retired from his service to Reformed Theological Seminary. During his 22 years at RTS, Dr. Richardson was the second longest-serving president for RTS Jackson and has served as full-time faculty and director of the Masters of Arts in Counseling (MAC) Program for the Jackson and […]

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Dr. Kevin DeYoung Promoted to Associate Professor of Systematic Theology

(CHARLOTTE, N.C.) – Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte is pleased to announce the promotion of Dr. Kevin L. DeYoung from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, effective June 1, 2021. Kevin DeYoung Dr. DeYoung joined the RTS Charlotte faculty in 2017 and also serves as the Senior Pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, […]

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Dr. Zachary Cole Appointed at RTS Orlando

(OVIEDO, Fla.) – The Board of Trustees of Reformed Theological Seminary is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Zachary Cole to the faculty of the Orlando campus. Dr. Cole will serve as Associate Professor of New Testament beginning June 1, 2021. RTS Orlando President Scott Swain said, “If ministers are to fulfill their calling […]

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RTS Global Launches New Enrollment Schedule

Starting June 1, 2021, Reformed Theological Seminary, Global will be reformatting its enrollment process to two start dates each month. Students will still be able to register for a course at any time. However, enrollment in our online courses will be restricted to two start dates: the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Executive […]

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