General Information

Job Title:

Pastor / Shepherd / Elder

Job Description:

To serve God’s people as a pastor / shepherd by willingly sacrificing yourself for the flock of God in preaching, teaching, exhorting, counseling, visiting, and caring for this local assembly of Christians in whatever way possible with a heart of true Godly love.

Specific duties will include:

1. Preaching and teaching God’s Word up to 3 days per week.
2. attending all church functions
3. calling and checking on members who were missing the service
4. visiting sick members at their homes or in the hospital
5. counseling those with spiritual or mental ailments
6. assisting with meal prep for potluck sunday lunches
7. assisting with cleaning of church building and grounds
8. handling the financial affairs of the church – paying bills, coordinating and paying subcontractors for building repairs, depositing checks on a weekly basis.

Position Qualifications:

What we are looking for in a potential pastor is what the Bible requires: nothing more and nothing less.

Qualifications are “blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly. For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre; But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate; Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.”

1. Previous pastoral work would be a plus but is not required
2. Would be fine pastoring a church that doesn’t use musical instruments
3. Uses KJV or NKJV for preaching at all church functions.
4. Would not mind doing “foot washing” as part of the Lord’s supper service. *We don’t require “foot washing” of our members, but some of them think it’s part of the communion service and so we do it for them.
5. Degree not required but must be a very diligent and hardworking man with an excellent work ethic in any area of work he does. – not lazy in any way.

If you think you qualify, please reach out to us.

Application Deadline


Job Type:

Full Time

Salary Range:


General Information

Church/Organization Name

Grace Community Primitive Baptist Church

Contact Name & Contact Info

(254) 718-1173




Baptist - Other

City, State

Temple, TX

Description of Organization

We are a local group of believers who meet and strive to glorify God in all things through Jesus Christ by worshiping Him and serving one another. We believe the family should all worship together and so we have family integrated worship services. We have a simple worship style which includes congregational singing, prayer, preaching, and usually a fellowship meal following services.

we have services as follows:


9:45-10:15am Bible study

10:30-11:00 singing

11:00-12:00 Preaching

once a month Bible study sundays at 1:30pm

twice per month singing for elderly at 3pm

Tuesday: Men's Prayer meeting at 7am

Wednesday: Bible study at 7pm

once per month women's prayer meeting TBD

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