General Information

Job Title:

Emmanuel Youth Internship

Job Description:

Emmanuel’s Internship Program exists to invest in future leaders who desire to minister – either professionally or as laity – in a multiethnic church, by equipping them to navigate the unique opportunities and challenges of ministry in a diverse context. Diversity reflects the Gospel’s celebration of the uniqueness of every individual created in the image of God. Emmanuel is a multicultural church with a diverse leadership team, thus providing an ideal situation for interns to observe, learn, and practice principles of multiethnic ministry.


    • Participate in bi-monthly Sunday Youth Group meetings as a mentor
    • Meet with students for discipleship
    • Help organize, facilitate, and attend periodic youth group activities
    • Meet with Youth Pastor for supervision and planning

Position Qualifications:

           Have legal status in the US

  • Be fluent in English
  • Pass a background check
  • Comply with our “Protection and Prevention Pledge” as listed below
    • Protection and Prevention Pledge
    • I, ___________________________________ (person’s name), agree, as an employee or volunteer at Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, that I will treat every child or adult entrusted to my care with respect and dignity. I will do my part to keep Emmanuel a safe and secure place.
    • I have read Emmanuel’s “Sexual Abuse Awareness Training” in its entirety and agree to comply with the standards set forth therein.
    • I have read Emmanuel’s “Sexual Abuse and Restoration Policy” in its entirety and agree to comply with the standards set forth therein.
    • I have read Emmanuel’s “Youth Abuse Prevention Policy” in its entirety and agree to comply with the standards set forth therein.
    • I have read Emmanuel’s “Child Protection Policy” in its entirety and agree to comply with the standards set forth therein.

Application Deadline


Job Type:


Salary Range:


General Information

Church/Organization Name

Emmanuel Presbyterian Church

Contact Name & Contact Info

(717) 406-7080




Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)

City, State

Arlington, VA

Description of Organization

Emmanuel is a multiethnic church of over 370 adults and children located in Arlington, VA, planted in 2007. We worship at Rivendell Christian School located on Langston Blvd. Over 52% of our congregation are racial and ethnic minorities and this diversity is reflected in our leadership and our staff. Our Sunday services provide simultaneous translation in Spanish, which has helped serve our third largest demographic. Emmanuel is part of the Presbyterian Church in America.

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