An Archive of the Best Student Papers at RTS Charlotte

Students know that research papers are a major part of the seminary experience. RTS Charlotte wants to promote the writing of good research papers among the students and wants to encourage students when they write good papers. In addition, we want to provide a resource where students can see what qualifies as a good paper. For these reasons we are establishing a place on the RTS Charlotte website to publish the best papers each semester. This will be called Pen and Parchment: An Archive of the Best Student Papers at RTS Charlotte.

These papers will come from the following courses that require a research paper: Gospels, Acts and Romans, Pauline Epistles, Greek Exegesis, Genesis-Joshua, Judges-Esther, Poets, Isaiah-Malachi, Hebrew Exegesis, Hebrews-Revelation, and Christian Encounter with Islam.

The professor will choose the best paper from the course, the paper will be published on the website, and the authors will be announced at the first chapel of each semester.

Winter/Spring 2019