What are some pitfalls of systematic theology?
Dr. Michael Allen
October 25, 2023
Did Jesus and the apostles preach the right doctrine from the wrong Old Testament texts?
Dr. Gregory Beale
October 11, 2023
Reformed Catholicity
From Fragmentation to Fullness
Dr. Michael Allen
August 25, 2023

Linguistic Theory and the Biblical Text
Dr. Will Ross
August 22, 2023

1 & 2 Thessalonians For You
Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 1, 2023
How Firm a Foundation
A Testimony to God's Faithfulness
Dr. Charlie Wingard
April 26, 2023
How should the biblical story shape our worship?
Rev. Michael Glodo
April 19, 2023
How are Old Testament land promises fulfilled?
Dr. John Currid
March 15, 2023
Let’s Talk About the Bible
Dr. Benjamin Gladd
March 7, 2023
How do I keep my devotional life strong in seminary?
Dr. Scott Redd
April 26, 2022

Old Made New
A Guide to the New Testament Use of the Old Testament
Dr. Greg Lanier
April 12, 2022

The Biggest Story Bible Storybook
Dr. Kevin DeYoung
April 1, 2022
What if I struggle wanting to read the Bible?
Dr. Nate Brooks
October 26, 2021
How do I read the Old Testament historical books devotionally?
Dr. Peter Lee
September 21, 2021
How do we know we can trust the Bible?
Dr. Zachary Cole
September 14, 2021
RTS Book Notes: The Story Retold
Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 22, 2021