Dr. Ligon Duncan discusses Unchanging Witness, co-authored by Dr. Donald Fortson. Unchanging Witness traces Christian teaching on homosexuality throughout history.

Hello, I’m Ligon Duncan, and this is RTS Book Notes. Today, I want to tell you about a very important and timely book about a controversial matter. It’s called Unchanging Witness, and it unveils for us the consistent teaching of the church on the whole range of issues that deal with LGBT. That matter is dividing Christians today, and sometimes there is confusion about what the church has historically taught.

Dr. Don Fortson, who teaches church history at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, co-authored this volume. It’s published by B&H Academic. It has been lauded by figures like David Dockery and others as an outstanding resource. If you’re a pastor, if you’re a professor, or if you’re a student and you’re wrestling with what has been the consistent testimony of the church on these things, Unchanging Witness is the book that you want to have. Thanks for listening to RTS Book Notes.


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