Episode 110: Today the profs talk about 1 Peter—its thesis, audience, outline, Old Testament connections, contemporary relevance, and more.
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Dr. Gray Sutanto, Dr. Paul S. Jeon, Dr. Peter Lee, Dr. Scott Redd, Dr. Thomas Keene | April 20, 2022
Episode 110: Today the profs talk about 1 Peter—its thesis, audience, outline, Old Testament connections, contemporary relevance, and more.
Ask a question: rts.edu/washington/podcast.
About RTS Washington: rts.edu/washington.
Dr. Gray Sutanto (Ph.D., University of Edinburgh) is the Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. You can follow him on Twitter.
Paul Jeon (Ph.D., The Catholic University of America) is senior pastor of New City Church (PCA) and Assistant Professor of New Testament at Pastoral Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. He has taught at various RTS campuses since 2009.
Peter Lee (Ph.D., Catholic University of America) is Professor of Old Testament and Dean of Students at RTS Washington. He resides in Columbia, Maryland with his wife and six children.
Dr. Scott Redd (Ph.D., The Catholic University of America) is the president and Stephen B. Elmer Professor of Old Testament at the Washington, D.C. campus, and the executive director of the New York campus of Reformed Theological Seminary. You can follow him on Twitter.
Thomas Keene (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) previously served as a visiting lecturer at RTS and taught numerous courses at Westminster Theological Seminary since 2006. He now serves as Professor of New Testament and Academic Dean at RTS Washington and RTS New York. You can follow him on Twitter.