Dr. Charles E. Hill
Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Early Christianity
Dr. Michael A. Hillerman
Assistant Professor of Counseling • Director, Master of Arts in Counseling Program
Dr. W. Andrew Hoffecker
Professor of Church History Emeritus
Dr. Justin S. Holcomb
Adjunct Professor of Theology
Sunny Hollingsworth
Development Systems Specialist
Mrs. Amy Honeycutt
Chief Marketing Officer
Mrs. Matti Horton
Assistant to the President
Dr. Mark House
Adjunct Professor of New Testament
Mrs. Savannah Howard
Communications and Development Manager
Mr. Jon Huff
Facilities Manager
Dr. James B. Hurley
Professor of Counseling Emeritus
Mr. Joey Hyatt
Reference Services Specialist
Dr. Irwyn Ince
Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Theology
Mr. John Ingram
Director of Finance
Ms. Haley N. Isbell
Executive Assistant
Mr. David A. Jackson
Assistant Librarian