Biblical studies professor and RTS alumnus to join RTS Jackson full time

JACKSON, Miss. — The Board of Trustees of Reformed Theological Seminary is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Stephen Smith to the faculty of RTS Jackson. Dr. Smith has taught at the campus as a guest lecturer since 2020 and will serve as Associate Professor of Old Testament beginning June 1, 2024.
Dr. Smith brings notable scholarly experience to RTS. Since 2019, he has served at Belhaven University, where he is currently Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and Christian Ministries. He holds a Ph.D. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, an MDiv with an emphasis in biblical languages and exegesis from Reformed Theological Seminary, and a B.A. in philosophy from Grand Canyon University.
“I’m thrilled about our newest RTS Old Testament professor, Steve Smith,” said Dr. Ligon Duncan, RTS Chancellor and Jackson campus President. “During the interview process, I got a glimpse into Steve’s heart for God, his love for God’s Word, his commitment to the church, his dedication to his students, his passion for teaching, and his knowledge of his field. I think Steve will fit in so well here at RTS Jackson. Really, he’s one of us coming home. I know that his students are going to love him, and he adds to an already outstanding biblical studies faculty.”
Academic Dean Dr. Guy Waters said, “I am delighted that Dr. Steve Smith is joining the RTS faculty and will be particularly serving the Jackson campus. Dr. Smith is a rare combination of Old Testament scholarship, confessional fidelity, and classroom excellence. I cannot wait to see how both his commitment to academic excellence and his pastoral heart will serve the RTS Jackson community.”
Dr. Smith’s areas of interest and expertise include the Old Testament, the Psalms, and the biblical languages. He has given presentations at annual meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society and has published articles in a number of academic journals. He is also the author The Conflict Between Faith and Experience, and the Shape of Psalms 73-83 (T&T Clark, 2022). Dr. Smith and his wife wife Briana are members of Madison Heights Church (PCA).