General Information

Job Title:

Director of Discipleship and Outreach

Job Description:

Anaheim Christian Reformed Church is seeking a full-time Director of Discipleship and Outreach to serve alongside our lead pastor. Anaheim CRC is part of the Christian Reformed Church of North America(CRCNA) and is located in Anaheim, California. The position will focus on discipling members of our congregation to become disciple makers. For more information about Anaheim CRC, please see our church profile. For information about the position, please see the full job description. If you sense the Holy Spirit inviting you to discern this opportunity with ACRC, please apply by sending your cover letter and resume to

Position Qualifications:

Job Description

Director of Discipleship and Outreach                                                                                                

                                                                                             Full Time

  1. Ministry Purpose: The Director of Discipleship and Outreach is responsible for developing ministries by training and equipping our congregation to grow as leaders and servants in Christian maturity, discipleship and outreach. This includes (but is not limited to) training and equipping small group and education leaders, creating yearly discipleship plans for all ages and abilities, identifying and promoting local and global outreach opportunities by partnering with the lead pastor, council, and congregation.
  2. Qualifications
  • Be a mature follower of Jesus Christ who senses God’s call to vocational ministry and fulfills the qualifications of an elder/deacon as described in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9. Demonstrates a lifestyle and family life that is consistent in word and practice with the teaching of Jesus Christ.
    • Completed BA or BS degree or at least 4 years of ministry experience. Prefer ministry related MS or MDiv.
    • Have ministry experience in leadership, discipleship and outreach.
    • Understand and embrace the Anaheim Christian Reformed Church mission and vision and affirm and promote the creeds and teachings of the CRCNA.
    • Able to teach the Scriptures in a manner that leads others to Jesus and deeper in their walk with Him, with the possibility of preaching.
    • Possess strong administrative, organizational, oral and written communication, and interpersonal skills.

III. Essential Competencies

  • Hold a clear conviction that all God’s people are called to be disciples and make disciples. Possess a love for engaging people with the gospel to enable them grow and mature in their relationship with Jesus.
    • Have an understanding or expertise in relevant discipleship methods and models.
    • Must have the ability to encourage and grow others in sharing their faith
    • Have enthusiasm towards initiating and sustaining cross-cultural relationships.
    • Maintain appropriate discretion and confidentiality regarding personal information.
    • Display strategic leadership in recruiting, training and empowering others in executing ministry responsibilities.
    • Equip leaders and volunteers to disciple and reach out to all ages and abilities.
    • Maintain a humble, patient spirit and commitment to partner with pastor, council, ministry leaders and volunteers.
  1. Responsibilities and Expectations
  2. Discipleship
  • Develop a plan for gospel-centered full congregational discipleship that is consistent with the values and mission of our church.
  • Select curriculum and tools to identify spiritual gifts and encourage spiritual growth for all ages and abilities in order to form a comprehensive plan of life-long growth, in cooperation with the senior pastor.
  • Equip members to serve the church, share the gospel, and disciple others. This will involve teaching classes and leading training events to equip and encourage current and future ministry leaders and small group leaders in their roles
  • Develop and build up High School, Young Adult and intergenerational small groups.




  1. Outreach
  • Develop and implement a strategy to mobilize our congregation to reach out to our immediate community and partner with our missionaries globally.
  • Partner with local churches and non-profits for community outreach.
  • Work with mission team to plan mission trips.
  • Help members grow in their desire, ability and confidence to articulate the gospel wherever God has placed them.
  1. Meetings and Reporting Structure

The Pastor of Discipleship and Outreach will regularly meet with the Lead Pastor to align and execute ministry priorities, goals, and strategies, attend staff meetings, church-wide activities, and any other strategic planning meetings. Reports to Council, managed by Senior Pastor.

  1. Desired Outcomes

Discipleship: Cultivating hearts and minds of Anaheim Christian Reformed Church to be more Christ-like in word and deed by:

  • Growing a deeper practice of the spiritual disciplines (e.g. prayer, worship) in our daily lives
  • Growing in knowledge of our triune God and truths in scripture
  • Growing a passion for sharing the gospel and our lives with those outside the Church

Outreach: Reaching those outside Anaheim Christian Reformed Church by:

  • Identifying and welcoming new people to Anaheim Christian Reformed Church, and equipping others to do the same
  • Integrating visitors and new members into meaningful relationships within our congregation, and equipping others to do the same
  • Serving the needs of our community through loving service and care, and equipping others to do the same

Application Deadline


Job Type:

Full Time

Salary Range:


General Information

Church/Organization Name

Anaheim Christian Reformed Church

Contact Name & Contact Info

(714) 828-4083




Christian Reformed Church (CRC)

City, State

Anaheim, CA

Description of Organization

Anaheim Christian Reformed Church

Established by God’s Grace in 1956

On April 8, 1956, regular worship services for Anaheim Christian Reformed Church (ACRC) began. Rev. Frank De Jong preached from 2 Corinthians 4:1-6. He exhorted the church always and alone “preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; ourselves servants for Jesus’ sake.” ACRC has sought, by God’s grace, to live this out.

ACRC is located in Anaheim, California. Anaheim is a city of 344,000 residents. We are located in the most diverse census tract in Orange County. It is 33% Asian, 33% Caucasian, and 33% Hispanic. The campus of ACRC reflects this as we have English, Korean, and Spanish speaking congregations that meet on the campus.

ACRC is a diverse group of people united in Christ coming from different ethnic, economic, and social backgrounds. ACRC has around 190 active members. We are blessed with 10 decades of people worshiping together.

We discern the Holy Spirit inviting us to be more intentional in discipleship and outreach. We believe that God’s vision for the church is the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:18-20:

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

We seek to live this out by being joyfully obedient to the Greatest Commandment and the second like it in Mark 12:29-31:

 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” 

ACRC practically seeks to love God and others through faithful worship that blends contemporary and traditional styles, children’s ministries, high school youth group, young adults, men’s and women’s ministry, care ministry, and disability ministry to name a few. We support eleven missionaries in nine countries and have sent teams to learn and serve in Haiti, Mexico, Malawi, and the Philippines. We also partner in the community with Love Anaheim, Love Buena Park, Voice of Refugees, and other local ministries.

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