General Information

Job Title:

Associate Pastor of Family Ministry and Outreach

Job Description:


The Associate Pastor of Family Ministry & Outreach is responsible for refining and implementing the following ministries: (1) Family discipleship focused on partnering with parents and other adults to shepherd the church’s children (from birth through high school) (2) Outreach that equips the church’s people to be hospitable and to share their faith, and (3) Preaching and ministering through the Word, prayer, and sacraments in corporate worship.


  • Passion and a vision for long-term ministry to children, families, and the lost.
  • Skilled in developing and executing ministry strategies that align with Cornerstone.
  • Graciously articulate a clear biblical foundation used in ministry.
  • Ability to develop ministry leaders and teams. 
  • Self-starter who can work independently.
  • Live a grace-centered life committed to ongoing personal and pastoral growth.


  • Refine the vision and philosophy of the family and outreach ministries.
  • Minister through the Word, prayer, and sacraments in corporate worship.
  • Preach 12 to 15 times per year and teach occasional church-wide classes.
  • Contribute to Session level oversight through shepherding, discipleship, and counsel.
  • Attendance at worship, pastoral, staff, and Session meetings, along with active involvement in Presbytery.


  • Develop a plan for the congregation to assist parents in the discipleship of their children.
  • Create a multigenerational culture where all our children are known, cared for, and prayed for by one another.
  • Train and oversee all staff and volunteers related to family ministry.
  • Communicate regularly so that parents experience a supportive partnership in the discipleship of their family.
  • Provide ongoing opportunities for parents and future parents to be equipped as spiritual leaders and models in their homes and communities.
  • Help parents engage with their adult children who have left the church.
  • Regularly teach and be present at children’s classes and youth group meetings.
  • Set and enforce policies that protect the safety and well-being of our children.
  • Oversee all Christian education content and curriculum.


  • Foster congregational passion to reach unchurched or dechurched people with the Gospel.
  • Create an outreach strategy that fits the people and culture of Waukesha County, with a special focus on Lake Country.
  • Train congregants to share their faith. 
  • Help congregants understand, care for, and maintain a faithful witness to others who may have left the church or deconstructed their faith.
  • Incorporate ways for people new to the church to be known, know others, and engage in the life of the church.
  • Encourage and train church members to embrace a mindset of faithful presence where they live, work, and play.
  • Help members understand differing worldviews and how to engage in meaningful and respectful conversation with others.
  • Oversee and grow the Outreach Committee.

Position Qualifications:

  1. Experience of 4+ years of related church or ministry experience.
  2. Completed theological education (MDiv or MA).
  3. Ordained in the PCA (preferred) or ability to move toward ordination in a timely manner.  
  4. A comprehensive background check.

Application Deadline


Job Type:

Full Time

Salary Range:


General Information

Church/Organization Name

Cornerstone Presbyterian Church

Contact Name & Contact Info

(262) 646-6445




Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)

City, State

Delafield, WI

Description of Organization

Cornerstone is a 30-year-old church with 200 members located in the Lake Country region of Waukesha County, just west of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Our purpose is to be renewed by the gospel, to serve one another and love Waukesha County. Read here, for more information on the history of Cornerstone.

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