Reformed Theological Seminary


RTS Jackson Partners with Ekklesia School of Theology and Ministry

A ribbon-cutting ceremony held on Thursday, February 9, 2012 at the RTS Jackson Library inaugurated a remarkable partnership between RTS Jackson and the Ekklesia School of Theology and Ministry. Ekklesia, a ministry of New Horizon Church International, is committed to the spiritual formation and equipping of church and ministry leaders, future seminary students, and anyone […]

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The Passing of a Beloved Professor (1936-2012)

With sadness in our hearts, but with great praise and thanks to God for his life and ministry in our lives, we want to inform you that Dr. J. Knox Chamblin, 76, passed away on Tuesday, February 7, 2012, from leukemia, and entered into the presence of our Lord. Chamblin leaves behind his wife Ginger, […]

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Reddit Andrews Appointed Assistant Professor of Practical Theology at RTS Jackson

The Rev. Reddit Andrews, senior pastor of Soaring Oaks Presbyterian Church in Elk Grove, Calif., has been appointed to the faculty of Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Miss., as assistant professor of practical theology by the RTS Board of Trustees. Prior to serving at Soaring Oaks, Rev. Andrews served as assistant pastor at First Baptist Piney […]

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RTS Jackson Launches AALI

RTS Jackson is pleased to announce that AALI, the African American Leadership Initiative, was officially launched on Thursday, November 3, 2011. With RUF at JSU, Redeemer PCA, Mission Mississippi, Voice of Calvary Ministries, and New Horizons, RTS Jackson provides a unique context for multi-ethnic, urban, and African American ministry.  Partnering with these ministries and more, […]

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Gladd to Join RTS Jackson Faculty This Spring

RTS Jackson is pleased to announce that Dr. Benjamin Gladd will join the RTS Jackson faculty to teach New Testament starting this Spring semester.  He was officially approved by the Executive Committee on Thursday, November 3, and will be leaving his pastoral position at Apple Valley Baptist Church in California to join our faculty.   […]

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RTS Announces New MDIV Track for RCA Students

RTS is pleased to announce that there is a new RCA track available for MDIV students seeking ordination in the Reformed Church in America (RCA). The RCA requires all candidates for ministry who choose not to attend an RCA denominational seminary to enroll in their Ministerial Formation Certification Agency (MFCA). The new RCA track at […]

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Derek Thomas Accepts Call, Will Continue to Teach

After nearly twelve years of knowing and working with Dr. Derek Thomas, our esteemed John Richards Chair of Professor of Practical and Systematic Theology, I have the sad task of announcing that God has led him and his wife, Rosemary, to leave Jackson for a new post. At the end of this academic year, they […]

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RTS Jackson Welcomes Dr. Dan Timmer as Associate Professor of Old Testament

The Jackson campus is thrilled to announce the arrival of our new Associate Professor of Old Testament, Dr. Dan Timmer.  He received his Ph.D. in Theological Studies (Old Testament) from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Chicago. He first studied mechanical engineering (B.Sc., Western Michigan University) and worked for several years in industry before the Lord directed […]

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RTS Jackson Announces the Biblical Exegesis Emphasis

At the heart of the Reformation and at the center of Reformed Theological Seminary is the Word of God for the people of God.  Our unwavering commitment to the Scripture, exemplified in the MDIV curriculum, is now extended and deepened as we offer a new MDIV emphasis in Biblical Exegesis. This emphasis will provide students […]

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A New Professor at RTS Jackson

We are pleased to welcome Mr. Bruce Baugus to RTS Jackson.  Bruce arrived on campus Monday morning, August 4, to serve as Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Theology.  His office will temporarily be located in the Dean Center next to David Jussely. Bruce comes to us from Grand Rapids, Michigan,  where he was a PhD student […]

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Welcome Steve Wallace, Our New COO

Effective April 1, Steve Wallace joined the RTS Institutional Staff as our new Chief Operating Officer who will eventually replace Bob Bailey.  Bob will stay with us for at least the next year to serve as assistant to Chancellor Ric Cannada and to aid in Steve’s transition. Steve is a 1978 graduate of RTS, and you […]

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A Registrar Transition

We are pleased to announce that Kim Lee has agreed to serve as the Registrar for the Jackson campus.   For more than two years, Paul Long Jr. has served as our Registrar, but he has also taken on responsibilities as the Director of our D.Min. and Ph.D. programs—in addition to teaching several classes for us […]

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Guy Waters Hired to Teach New Testament

On June 1, 2007, RTS hired Guy Waters to teach New Testament at RTS Jackson.  Guy Waters received his B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania (1995), his M.Div. from Westminster (Philly, 1998), and his Ph.D. from Duke (2002).  He has taught at Belhaven College since 2002, was ordained as a Teaching Elder in the PCA in […]

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Raising a Few Pennies

We welcome Dr. Bobby Penny to his new position as Vice President of Development at RTS Jackson.  Bobby comes to us from First Presbyterian Church in Hattiesburg, MS, where he served as Minister of Outreach.  He graduated from RTS in 1978 with a Master of Divinity degree.  His wife, Adrianne, is an accomplished artist who […]

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Long Honored for 60 Years of Gospel Ministry

Dr. Paul Long, Sr. began preaching the Gospel in February 1947 after service in World War II.  On February 13, 2007, RTS honored Dr. Long in chapel for 60 years of faithful Gospel ministry.  After Dr. Long preached in chapel, the Book Store hosted a book signing in which Dr. Long signed his two books—The […]

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Van Pelt to Become Academic Dean

RTS Jackson offered Dr. Miles Van Pelt the position of Academic Dean vacated by Bill Barcley’s departure, and he has accepted.  Dr. Van Pelt served under Walt Kaiser at Gordon Conwell, and Dr. Kaiser has significantly shaped Dr. Van Pelt’s view of academics.  Miles is committed to excellence in the classroom, academic rigor, and equipping […]

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