Dr. Ligon Duncan recommends two resources on the Septuagint by Drs. Greg Lanier and Will Ross: Septuaginta: A Reader’s Edition and A Book-by-Book Guide to Septuagint Vocabulary.

Hello, I’m Ligon Duncan, and this is RTS Book Notes. Today, I want to tell you about two substantial volumes on the Greek translation of the Old Testament that have been produced by RTS professors. Dr. Greg Lanier, who teaches New Testament at RTS Orlando, and Dr. Will Ross, who teaches Old Testament at RTS Charlotte, have edited a reader’s edition of the Greek Septuagint. That means it has not only the Greek text translating the Old Testament Hebrew, but it has vocabulary at the bottom of the page to help you through. And then, they’ve also provided a book-by-book guide to Septuagint vocabulary. Both of these books are published by Hendrickson Publishers and are an invaluable resource for biblical scholars, for pastors keeping up with their Greek, for people who want to compare the Greek and the Hebrew when they’re working through Old Testament books. These two young men are leading scholars of the Septuagint. We’re blessed to have them here at RTS. Thank you so much for listening to RTS Book Notes.


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