Mission Statement

The Reformed Baptist Student Fellowship exists to build community, to strengthen one another’s biblical convictions, and to help prepare students for ministry.


The Reformed Baptist Student Fellowship (RBSF) is a group where students from credo Baptist backgrounds at RTS Jackson (and their families) can meet one another, encourage each other, network for the future, share helpful resources, and build connections with local reformed Baptist churches, networks, and like-minded organizations. The RBSF aims to facilitate informational and networking opportunities 1 to 2 times per semester with reformed Baptist or like-minded ministry representatives. It will also provide a monthly opportunity for students to meet together to ask questions, help each other find answers, and strengthen one another’s convictions– regardless of denominational convictions — like iron sharpening iron. Whether you are curious, questioning, or committed to the Reformed Baptist tradition, please join us and learn for yourself what we’re all about. Everyone is welcome!

Contact Prashant Thakkar with any questions.