Cultivate Faithfulness
Dr. Will Ross
February 6, 2018
The Gospel and Diversity
Dr. Jemar Tisby
November 18, 2015
Life in the Church 1
John Muether
November 11, 2015
A Biblical Strategy to Shake the World: Church Revitalization
Dr. Harry Reeder
September 30, 2015
A Life with God
Dr. Mike Ross
April 15, 2015
Surrounded by Witnesses
Rev. Trevor Smith
April 14, 2015
How Holy Is This Night?
Dr. Reggie Kidd
April 1, 2015

Why We Love the Church
In Praise of Institutions and Organized Religion
Dr. Kevin DeYoung
July 1, 2009

Man and Woman in Biblical Perspective
Dr. James Hurley
July 3, 2002

Evangelical Reunion
Denominations and the One Body of Christ
Dr. John Frame
July 1, 1991
Hahn and Harrell: Brothers in Christ
Becky Hobbs
June 21, 1989
Briarwood: Reaching Out to Reach the World
Becky Hobbs
March 20, 1989
San Pablo Seminary: Evangelical Hope of the Yucatan
Becky Hobbs
March 21, 1988