The Holy Catholic Church
John Muether
April 6, 2011

Risking the Truth
Handling Error in the Church
Dr. Derek Thomas
May 20, 2009
The Holy Catholic Church
Dr. Kenneth McMullen
November 6, 2007
Live a Life Worthy of the Call
Dr. James Hurley
October 24, 2006
Do You See It?
Dr. Allen Curry
October 3, 2006

Should We Leave Our Churches?
A Biblical Response to Harold Camping
Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 1, 2004
Reeder Knows How to Rekindle the Flame
Becky Hobbs
September 23, 1990
The 1990s: A Time for Christian Courage
Q and A with Carl F.H. Henry
Dr. Carl F.H. Henry
March 20, 1990
Making Christians Who Will Make A Difference
Dr. Luder Whitlock
March 20, 1990
The Church’s Future: Are You In It?
Dr. Luder Whitlock
December 21, 1989