Reformed Theological Seminary

Humility and Hospitality

Dr. Josh Malone
October 18, 2023

The Harvest is Plentiful

Rev. Jordan Olshefski
February 21, 2023

Success is Not Success

Rev. Spence Shelton
February 14, 2023

Under Authority

Dr. Guy Waters
February 1, 2023

From the Manger to the Throne
A Theology of Luke

Dr. Benjamin Gladd
November 10, 2022

From the Manger to the Throne
A Theology of Luke

Dr. Benjamin Gladd
October 31, 2022

Expulsion from Nazareth

Dr. Benjamin Gladd
September 21, 2022

Vocation as Formation

February 19, 2020


Dr. Guy Waters
January 29, 2020

A Severe Mercy

Dr. Guy Waters
April 3, 2019

Are You Serious?

Dr. Rod Culbertson
November 6, 2018

I Have Prayed for You

Rev. Peter Scheidt
April 3, 2018

The Presbyterian and the Publican

Dr. Steve Jussely
November 1, 2017

The Agony in the Garden

Dr. John McCarty
October 11, 2017

Let Down Your Nets for a Catch

Dr. Elias Medeiros
February 15, 2017

One Best Thing

Jim Kallam
March 29, 2016

Power Play

Rev. Jeff Hardy
February 9, 2016

Jesus the Judge

Dr. Donald Fortson
October 14, 2015

Like a Good Neighbor

Dr. Sean Lucas
September 23, 2015

Ministry as Incarnation

Rev. John Stone
September 15, 2015

The Gospel According to the Old Testament

Dr. Greg Lanier
April 29, 2015

Love for Christ

Rev. Billy Dempsey
April 22, 2015

The Son of Man and Biblical Hospitality

Rev. Matt Bowles
March 31, 2015

A Tale of Two Kings

Rev. Michael Glodo
March 4, 2015

Jesus’ Prayer

Rev. Stephen Coleman
December 2, 2014

The Dark Hour

Dr. Chad Van Dixhoorn
November 18, 2014

Don’t Be Embarrassed by the Bible

Dr. Rod Mays
November 11, 2014

The Covenant of Grace with Abraham, Fulfilled

Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 5, 2014

Prayer: A Stronghold for Tempted Christians

Dr. Charlie Wingard
August 27, 2014

One Thing

Rev. Dave O'Connell
March 12, 2014


Dr. Richard Gibbons
March 4, 2014

Carried Up into Heaven

Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 12, 2012

Jesus Stood Among Them

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 22, 2012

Did Not Our Hearts Burn Within Us?

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 15, 2012

Seven Miles with Jesus

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 8, 2012

Perplexed, Frightened, Incredulous Marveling!

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 1, 2012

On the Sabbath They Rested

Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 27, 2011

Father, into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit

Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 20, 2011

Remember Me

Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 13, 2011

Father, Forgive Them

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 30, 2011

Weep for Yourselves

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 23, 2011

Before Herod and Pilate

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 16, 2011

Are You the King of the Jews?

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 9, 2011

Beaten and Questioned

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 2, 2011

When God Seems Silent

Dr. Guy Waters
September 28, 2011


Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 11, 2011

While They Were Sleeping

Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 4, 2011

This Do in Remembrance of Me

Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 14, 2011

Prepare the Passover

Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 7, 2011

My Words Will Not Pass Away

Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 24, 2011

Hated by All on Account of My Name

Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 17, 2011

Don’t Fake Religion

Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 10, 2011

What Jesus Believed about the Resurrection

Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 3, 2011

Rendering to Caesar and God

Dr. Ligon Duncan
June 26, 2011


Dr. Ligon Duncan
June 19, 2011

In the Temple

Dr. Ligon Duncan
June 5, 2011

Kingdom Investments

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 8, 2011

Today Salvation Has Come to This House

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 1, 2011

The Third Day He Will Rise Again

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 24, 2011

But Mary Was Distracted

Dr. Dennis Ireland
April 19, 2011

Your Faith Has Made You Well

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 17, 2011

The Poor Man (Who Thought He Was Rich)

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 10, 2011

Entering the Kingdom of Heaven Like a Child

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 3, 2011

Always Pray. Don’t Lose Heart

Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 20, 2011

What You Must Know About the Second Coming

Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 13, 2011

The Forgotten Sin

Dr. James Baird
February 8, 2011

Attitude Check

Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 6, 2011

Temptation, Sin and Faith

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 23, 2011

What the Law Shows About Our Hearts

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 9, 2011

Wholly Devoted

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 2, 2011

A Father’s Prodigal Love for a Prodigal

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 19, 2010

What Makes Angels Rejoice?

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 12, 2010

What Will Jesus Cost You?

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 5, 2010

Why Was I a Guest?

Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 28, 2010

Jesus Cared About the Lord’s Day… A Lot

Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 21, 2010

Jesus’ Lament over Jerusalem

Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 16, 2010

Jesus’ Compassion and Our Indifference

Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 14, 2010

The Narrow Door

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 31, 2010

What Is the Kingdom of God Like?

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 10, 2010

Suspended Judgment and a Reason for Judgment

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 3, 2010

The Message of Repentance Clothed in Tragedies

Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 26, 2010

Jesus: The Dividing Line

Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 19, 2010

Be Ready

Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 12, 2010

The Cure for Covetousness

Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 5, 2010

Life Isn’t Stuff (So Don’t Worship Stuff)

Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 29, 2010

What Our Tongues Tell

Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 15, 2010

No Fear

Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 8, 2010

The Leaven of Hypocrisy

Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 1, 2010

The Marks of a Pharisee (and the Remedy)

Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 18, 2010

A Very Awkward Dinner Conversation

Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 11, 2010

How Are Your Eyes?

Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 4, 2010

Jesus: Ruler of the Ruler of Demons

Dr. Ligon Duncan
June 27, 2010

How to Pray (5): Deliver Us

Dr. Ligon Duncan
June 13, 2010

How to Pray (4): Forgive Us

Dr. Ligon Duncan
June 6, 2010

How to Pray (3): Daily Bread

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 30, 2010

How to Pray (2): Kingdom Come

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 23, 2010

How to Pray (1): Holy Father

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 16, 2010

It’s Not About Martha, It’s About You

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 9, 2010

What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 2, 2010

Hidden and Revealed

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 25, 2010

Sent Out

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 11, 2010

The Cost of Discipleship

Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 28, 2010

Who Is the Greatest?

Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 14, 2010

Amazed by the Greatness of God

Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 7, 2010

The New Exodus

Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 14, 2010

Loving Jesus

Sadiri "Joy" Tira
February 9, 2010

Confession, Christ, Cross, Constraint

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 24, 2010

Jesus Is More Than Enough

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 10, 2010

He Called, He Gave, He Sent

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 3, 2010

Are You Laughing or Amazed?

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 27, 2009

The Man Jesus Renamed

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 13, 2009

The Winds and Waves Still Know

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 6, 2009

Take Care How You Listen

Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 29, 2009

Have You Heard the Word

Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 15, 2009

She Loved Much

Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 8, 2009

Reformation Week Chapel

October 27, 2009

Are You Sure About Jesus?

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 25, 2009

All You Need is Love?

Dr. Guy Waters
October 20, 2009

God Has Visited His People

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 18, 2009

You Are What You Do

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 11, 2009

Jesus, Lord of the Lord’s Day

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 6, 2009

Judge Not?

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 4, 2009

Loving Those Who Don’t Love You

Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 27, 2009

Son of Adam and Son of God

Dr. Dennis Ireland
September 22, 2009

Blessed or Cursed? Weal or Woe

Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 13, 2009

Poor, Hungry, Weeping, Hated Rejected and Blessed

Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 6, 2009

He Is Coming

Dr. Bruce Baugus
September 1, 2009

Lord of the Sabbath

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 31, 2009

He Came for Sinners

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 24, 2009

Healing and Forgiving

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 17, 2009

How Jesus Makes Disciples

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 10, 2009

A Preacher with Power

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 3, 2009

An Unwelcome Prophet

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 26, 2009

Tempted, Tried and Never Failing

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 19, 2009

Resurrection and Mission

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 12, 2009

Jesus’ Baptism

Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 22, 2009

John Came Preaching Repentance

Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 15, 2009

In My Father’s House

Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 8, 2009

Fulfilling the Law-Finding the Messiah

Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 1, 2009

Pondering These Things in Our Hearts

Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 8, 2009

The Messiah Is Born

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 25, 2009

His Name Is John

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 11, 2009

Mary: On the Christian Life

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 4, 2009

Communion in God’s Providence

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 28, 2008

Nothing Is Impossible with God

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 21, 2008

Scared Stiff by an Angel, Struck Dumb by Unbelief

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 14, 2008

Gospel Beginnings

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 7, 2008

What Makes Jesus Thankful

Dr. Andrew Hoffecker
May 8, 2007

Why Jesus Taught In Parables?

Dr. John Currid
May 1, 2007

How Jesus Commissions His Disciples

Dr. Dennis Ireland
April 24, 2007

How Jesus Deals With A Tragic Death

Dr. Ken Elliot
April 17, 2007

How Jesus Views Discipleship

Dr. Miles Van Pelt
April 3, 2007

How Jesus Deals With Flagrant Sinners

Dr. Guy Richardson
March 27, 2007

How Jesus Handles Temptation

Dr. Lloyd Kim
March 20, 2007

How Jesus Made Big Decisions

Dr. Sam Larsen
March 6, 2007

How Jesus Deals With The Sabbath

Dr. Derek Thomas
February 27, 2007

How Jesus Deals With Earnest Inquirers

Dr. Paul Long Jr.
February 13, 2007

Luke Christmas Liturgy – Nunc Dimitis

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 24, 2006

2006 Missions Conference
Session 2, Part 2

Rev. Doug Nichols
September 21, 2006

2006 Missions Conference
Session 1, Part 1

Rev. Doug Nichols
September 21, 2006

Jesus, A Man of Prayer

Dr. Ken Elliot
November 22, 2005

But Martha Was Distracted II

Dr. Dennis Ireland
October 18, 2005

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 19, 2004

Good Christian Men, Rejoice

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 12, 2004

Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 5, 2004

It’s a Boy!

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 22, 2002


Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 14, 2002
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