The Patience of God
Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 12, 2025
A Most Useful Question
Dr. James Anderson
November 12, 2024
Opposed by Enemies, but God Can Redeem From All Foes
Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 3, 2024
God is Paying Attention – are You?
Leighton Ford
February 15, 2022
Wise Counsel
Dr. John McCarty
November 13, 2019
Finding the Melodic Line
2018 Hughes Preaching Lecture 3
Dr. Phillip Ryken
November 7, 2018
A Holy God, A Holy People
Rev. Winston Miller
May 4, 2016
How Holy Is This Night?
Dr. Reggie Kidd
April 1, 2015
The Don’t Die, They Multiply
Dr. Irwyn Ince
February 24, 2015
Confidence for the Call
Rev. John Dawson
February 19, 2014
God Wins: Reflections on the Ten Plagues
Dr. Benjamin Gladd
April 25, 2012
A Darkness to be Felt
Dr. Charlie Wingard
February 15, 2011
Middle Years of Moses’ Life
Rev. Joseph Wheat
February 10, 2009
Moses’ Reverse Capital Campaign
Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 24, 2005
Christian World View – Postmodernism #1
Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 4, 2004
The Glory Cloud
Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 21, 2003
The Tent of Meeting Set Up
Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 14, 2003
Moses’ Benediction
Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 7, 2003
Priestly Garments
Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 30, 2003
The Progress of Construction
Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 23, 2003
Gifts and Craftsmen
Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 16, 2003
Sabbath and Construction
Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 9, 2003
The Face of Moses
Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 2, 2003
Glorifying God
Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 26, 2003
The Lord Passes By
Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 19, 2003
A Mediator with a Heart
Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 12, 2003
I Will Not Go Up in Your Midst
Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 5, 2003
Who is on the Lord’s Side?
Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 26, 2003
Does God Change His Mind?
Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 19, 2003
Sin at Sinai
Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 12, 2003
Bezalel the Builder (with apologies to Bob)
Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 8, 2002
A Sweet Smell for the Lord
Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 24, 2002
Preparations for Priests
Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 3, 2002
The Beauty of Holiness
Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 27, 2002
Mobile Sanctuary
Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 13, 2002
It’s Curtains
Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 6, 2002
That I May Dwell Among Them
Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 29, 2002
The Glory of the Lord
Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 22, 2002
The Blood of the Covenant
Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 8, 2002
Loyalty to God
Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 4, 2002
The Parties You Have to Go To
Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 28, 2002
Justice and Neighbor-love
Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 21, 2002
God’s Concern for Community
Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 14, 2002
What God Says About Dogs, Cows and Property Rights
Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 7, 2002
What Does “An Eye for an Eye” Really Mean?
Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 31, 2002
What About Slavery?
Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 12, 2002
How to Worship
Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 3, 2002
Capital Punishment
Dr. Ligon Duncan
July 2, 2002
The Fear of God
Dr. Ligon Duncan
June 2, 2002
The Tenth Commandment: No Coveting
Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 26, 2002
The Ninth Commandment: No False Testimony
Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 12, 2002
The Eighth Commandment: No Theft
Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 5, 2002
The Scarlet Letter
Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 28, 2002
Do No Immoral Killing
Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 21, 2002
The Fifth Commandment: Honor Parental Authority
Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 14, 2002
The Command Blessing We Love to Hate
Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 7, 2002
The Third Commandment: Do Not Wrongly Take God’s Name
Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 24, 2002
The Second Commandment: No Idols
Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 10, 2002
The First Commandment: No God But God
Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 3, 2002
Grace Before Law
Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 24, 2002
Life With God: Meeting God
Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 17, 2002
Life With God: Preparation for a Divine Encounter
Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 27, 2002
Life With God: On Eagles’ Wings
Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 20, 2002
The Wise Counsel of Jethro
Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 6, 2002
The Lord is My Banner
Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 30, 2001
The Waters of Quarreling
Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 23, 2001
Manna and Quail
Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 2, 2001
The Test of Marah
Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 4, 2001
The Songs of Moses and Miriam
Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 21, 2001
The Lord Overthrows the Egyptians
Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 14, 2001
The Lord Will Fight For You
Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 7, 2001
The Bones of Joseph
Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 30, 2001
Because of What the Lord Did for Me
Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 23, 2001
Plunder and Passover
Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 12, 2001
Celebration and Destruction
Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 5, 2001
The Feast of Unleavened Bread
Dr. Ligon Duncan
June 3, 2001
The Lord’s Passover
Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 27, 2001
The Tenth Plague: Death of the Firstborn
Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 20, 2001
The Ninth Plague: Darkness
Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 13, 2001
The Eighth Plague: Locusts
Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 29, 2001
The Sixth and Seventh Plagues: Boils and Hail
Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 22, 2001
The Fifth Plague: Death of Livestock
Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 8, 2001
The Third and Fourth Plagues: Gnats and Flies
Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 1, 2001
The Second Plague: Frogs
Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 18, 2001
The First Plague: The Nile Turned to Blood
Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 11, 2001
Moses, Aaron, and the Sorcerers
Dr. Ligon Duncan
March 4, 2001
The Lord’s Plan
Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 4, 2001
Revelation of the Divine Name
Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 21, 2001
The Foremen Grumble Against Moses
Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 14, 2001
The People Believed, Worshiped and are Afflicted
Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 7, 2001
Hardening Pharaoh’s Heart
Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 31, 2000
A Spokesman for Moses
Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 10, 2000
Signs and Wonders for Moses
Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 3, 2000
I Am Who I Am
Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 26, 2000
The Burning Bush: Nec tamen Consumebatur
Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 5, 2000
God Remembered His Covenant
Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 29, 2000
A Failed Deliverance
Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 15, 2000
The Deliverer Delivered (By Women)!
Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 8, 2000
The Midwives, Who Feared God
Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 1, 2000
A New King, Who Knew Not Joseph
Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 24, 2000
Church Growth!
Dr. Ligon Duncan
September 17, 2000