It is so important for Christians to understand covenant theology because it is so important for our own personal assurance. Covenant theology is designed to help a believer know why he or she is certain that when God promises that he has saved to you, you are saved. It is also important for understanding what Jesus accomplished for you when he died for you. Believers can never know enough about the cross. They can never know enough about what God has accomplished for us in Jesus Christ on the cross, and covenant theology helps you understand what the cross did for you.

Believers can never know enough what God has accomplished for us in Jesus Christ on the cross.

Covenant theology also explains to you the role that the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper play in growing you in grace in the Christian light. It explains how they do those things. Covenant theology helps you know how to read your Bible better. It helps you put the whole story of the Bible together.

Those are four practical ways that covenant theology helps every Christian. It is not just for professors. It is not just for seminary students. It is not just for scholars or people who write books. It is for everyday Christians in those four simple ways.