
  • Examine the “how” of worship: Read, Preach, Pray, Sing, and See the Bible
  • Explain why the “How” of worship matters, which includes the elements, historical evidences, cultural accommodations, biblical characteristics, and challenges of worship in our modern culture, particularly in regards to the sacraments

I. In public worship we are to observe the appointed and visible ordinances/sacraments

  1. The sacraments are the visible words
  2. Through the sacraments God makes his promises tangible

II. What is a sacrament?

  1. It is a sign of the covenant
  2. Designed to remind and assure us of a promise
  3. Given for the weakness of our faith
  4. Westminster Larger Catechism, #167

III. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

  1. What is the frequency of the Lord’s Supper?
  2. Sacraments are supplemental and confirmatory of promises in the word
  3. The grace held out in preaching is the exact same thing that is held out in the Lord’s supper

“In the Lord’s Supper we don’t get a better Christ, we get Christ better.” — Robert Bruce