This coming Sunday millions of Christians around the world will celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. And in this season I want to wish you a Happy Easter from all your friends at Reformed Theological Seminary.

When we contemplate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the accomplishment of our redemption that it heralds, we have to remember the Father’s love displayed at the cross, the Son’s worth as it is revealed at the cross of Christ, and the Father and the Son’s gift of the Holy Spirit, fulfilling the promise which God had made before to Abraham on all those who rest and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation as he is offered at the gospel. At the cross, we see the Father’s love in that he gives the most precious gift in the world: his own Son. We trust that this Lord’s Day, and every Lord’s Day, you will revel in the blessings that are yours in Christ because of his resurrection.

But we also see the worth of the Son as a sacrifice for the sins of the world, and therefore we can come to God through that finished sacrifice of Jesus Christ. “Nothing in our hands we bring, simply to his cross we cling.” And in that resurrection, we have a promise of newness of life and life eternal in the Son as we trust in him. And at RTS we love to tell that message, and we love to share that story. We trust that this Lord’s Day, and every Lord’s Day, you will revel in the blessings that are yours in Christ because of his resurrection.