Dr. Ligon Duncan discusses Dr. Tim Keller’s book Walking with God through Pain and Suffering. In this work, Dr. Keller engages the issue of suffering with biblical-theological reflections that offer profound help for all believers.
Hello, I’m Ligon Duncan, and this is RTS Book Notes. Today, I want to tell you about a book by Tim Keller. Dr. Keller teaches for us at Reformed Theological Seminary in New York City, and this is his book Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering. It’s published by Penguin, and it’s a volume that engages the issues of pain and suffering with rich biblical theological reflection. Dr. Keller, as a pastor, is had to deal with those issues for years as he ministers in his own congregation, but he himself is battling cancer right now. And so these truths are particularly precious to him, as he points us to the glorious realities of God’s sovereignty, and God’s goodness, and God’s presence and aid. Without giving glib answers, he provides profound help for those who are engaging with pain and suffering in this fallen world, and that’s something that all of us will have to deal with at one time or another. Pastors, as well as the people of God, will find help in this volume. Thanks so much for listening to RTS Book Notes.