Dr. Ligon Duncan discusses Dr. John Frame’s The Doctrine of the Word of God. In The Doctrine of the Word of God, Dr. Frame upholds the authority, inspiration, inerrancy, usefulness, and sufficiency of Scripture.

Hello, I’m Ligon Duncan, and this is RTS Book Notes. Today, I want to tell you about a book by John Frame. John Frame is a very prolific systematic theologian. You may know him as professor at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, now emeritus. He’s written a whole series of volumes called the Lordship Series. But this book, I think, may well be John Frame’s best contribution to contemporary systematic theology. And it’s called The Doctrine of the Word of God.

This is an excellent exposition of the doctrine of God’s Word, which upholds the authority, inspiration, inerrancy, and the usefulness, the sufficiency of Scripture. By the way, the appendices are superb as they interact with wrong doctrines of Scripture that are prevalent in our day. I commend to you The Doctrine of the Word of God by John Frame. Thanks for listening to RTS Book Notes.


Note: The Doctrine of the Word of God is published by our friends at P&R Publishing.


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