Hello, I’m Ligon Duncan, the chancellor of Reformed Theological Seminary, and this is RTS Book Notes. Today I’m going to tell you about a book by Kevin DeYoung, who is a professor of theology at RTS Charlotte and the senior pastor of the Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. It’s called The Hole in Our Holiness.

This book is designed to help better teach the doctrine of the Christian life and understand how grace and obedience interface with one another as we live under God. There’s a lot of strange teaching on this subject, frankly, in evangelical Christianity—a lot of errant teaching. Dr. DeYoung is trying to bring to bear the riches of Reformed theology on this important subject of the doctrine of the living of the Christian life, grace, and obedience. I recommend to you The Hole in Our Holiness by Kevin DeYoung. Thank you so much for listening to RTS Book Notes.


Note: The Hole in Our Holiness is published by our friends at Crossway.

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