What is the significance of the sacraments in the book of Joshua?
Dr. John Currid
February 20, 2024
How are Old Testament land promises fulfilled?
Dr. John Currid
March 15, 2023
Why is archaeology useful for Christians?
Dr. John Currid
November 24, 2020

The Case for Biblical Archaeology
Uncovering the Historical Record of God's Old Testament People
Dr. John Currid
August 5, 2020

ESV Archaeology Study Bible
Dr. John Currid
April 24, 2018
A Call for Godly Thinking
Dr. John Currid
March 20, 2018

Theistic Evolution
A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique
Dr. Guy Waters
November 30, 2017
What Is the Importance of Prayer in Pastoral Ministry?
Dr. John Currid
November 15, 2017
The Ancient Paths
Dr. John Currid
October 17, 2017
Job’s Confession
Dr. John Currid
September 27, 2016
Why Did God Command the Destruction of the Canaanites?
Dr. John Currid
March 2, 2016

A Quest for Meaning?
Dr. John Currid
December 15, 2015
The Final Word
Dr. John Currid
September 22, 2015

EP Study Commentary: Volume 1
Dr. John Currid
March 10, 2015

Why Do I Suffer?
Dr. John Currid
September 20, 2014
The Path of a Pilgrim
Dr. John Currid
September 2, 2014