Reformed Theological Seminary

Author: Dr. Ligon Duncan

How Jesus Gives You Peace

Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 11, 2015

The Covenant of Grace with Abraham, Fulfilled

Dr. Ligon Duncan
November 5, 2014

Direction and Trends in the American Church

Dr. Al Mohler
October 3, 2014

Inaugural Address

Dr. Ligon Duncan
October 2, 2014

B. B. Warfield on Elijah and 1 Kings 19:9

Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 30, 2014

Begin Ministry with a Look at the End

Dr. Ligon Duncan
August 20, 2014

RTS Washington Commencement 2014

Dr. Ligon Duncan
May 30, 2014

2014 Commencement Address

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 17, 2014

Gender Roles (Part 2)

Dr. Ligon Duncan
April 16, 2014

How Faithfulness Looks at the End

Dr. Ligon Duncan
February 3, 2014

A Farewell Benediction

Dr. Ligon Duncan
January 13, 2014

Let My Soul Live and Praise You

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 16, 2013

The Great Shepherd of the Sheep

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 9, 2013

Great Peace Have Those Who Love Your Law

Dr. Ligon Duncan
December 2, 2013