The First Chapters
Dividing the Text of Scripture in Codex Vaticanus and Its Predecessors
Dr. Charles E. Hill
October 31, 2022
A Model for Ministry
Dr. Charles E. Hill
May 5, 2021
Who Chose the Four Gospels?
Dr. Charles E. Hill
October 5, 2016
Toward a Theory of the Early Development of the New Testament
Dr. Charles E. Hill
February 9, 2016

The Early Text of the New Testament
Dr. Charles E. Hill
August 12, 2014

Who Chose the Gospels?
Probing the Great Gospel Conspiracy
Dr. Charles E. Hill
April 7, 2012
He Descended into Hell
Dr. Charles E. Hill
November 24, 2010

From the Lost Teaching of Polycarp
Dr. Charles E. Hill
December 31, 2006

The Johannine Corpus in the Early Church
Dr. Charles E. Hill
June 1, 2006

The Glory of the Atonement
Biblical, Theological & Practical Perspectives
Dr. Charles E. Hill
March 30, 2004

Regnum Caelorum
Patterns of Millennial Thought in Early Christianity
Dr. Charles E. Hill
April 17, 2001