
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.S.
Reformed Theological Seminary, MDiv
University of Cambridge, Ph.D.

About Dr. Lanier

Greg joined the faculty of RTS Orlando in 2016 and teaches courses related to New Testament exegesis and interpretation, Greek, the Septuagint, textual criticism, and preaching. He is also an Associate Pastor (part-time) at River Oaks Church and is ordained in the PCA. He lives in Oviedo with his wife, Kate, who is an optometrist, and their three daughters. Before moving to Florida, the Laniers lived in Cambridge, England, where Greg finished his doctorate; , as well as Charlotte, NC, where he attended RTS Charlotte. Before discerning the Lord’s calling into pastoral and academic ministry, Greg worked in various professional roles in Charlotte, Birmingham, and Atlanta, ranging from management consulting to private equity investing.

His research interests include the Synoptic Gospels, canon and textual criticism, the use of the OT in the NT, the Pauline epistles, and the Septuagint. He serves as co-chair of the Septuagint Studies program group of the Evangelical Theological Society.




  • “Christology in the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible.” In Timothy Pawl and Michael Peterson, The Cambridge Companion to Christology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Forthcoming.
  • “What Do the Ancient Textual Witnesses Reveal about the Development of the Canon?” In Stanley E. Porter and Benjamin P. Laird, The New Testament Canon in Contemporary Research. TENTS. Leiden: Brill. Forthcoming.
  • “The Fourfold Gospel Collection,” in W. Edward Glenny and Darian Lockett (eds.), Canon Formation: Tracing the Role of Sub-Collections in the Biblical Canon. London: T&T Clark, 2023.
  • “Descent and Ascent in Luke–Acts,” in Darren Sumner and Chris Tilling (eds.), T&T Clark Companion to Christology. London: T&T Clark, Forthcoming.
  • “The Text and Paratext of Minuscule GA 1424: Initial Observations,” pages 30–59 in Gregory R. Lanier and J. Nicholas Reid (eds.), Studies on the Intersection of Text, Paratext, and Reception: A Festschrift in Honor of Charles E. Hill. TENTS 15. Leiden: Brill, 2021.
  • “‘As It Is Written’…Where? Examining Generic Citations of Scripture in the New Testament.” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 43/4 (2021): 570–604.
  • “The Critical Editions of the Greek NT and OT: Stability, Change, and Implications.” Tyndale Bulletin 71/1 (2020): 43-63.
  • “Upgrading to the Fourth Edition of Mounce’s Greek Textbook: A Review and Guide for Instructors.” Reformed Faith & Practice 4/1 (2019): 28-45.
  • “‘My Kingdom Lasts Forever’: Bringing King Job (T.Job 31–33) into the Conversation on Exalted Patriarchs and Early Christology.” Novum Testamentum 61/3 (2019): 308–328.
  • “‘You Shall Observe His Heel’: On the Use of Τηρέω in Greek Genesis 3:15b.” Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies 52 (2019): 63-72.
  • “Dating Myths: When Later Manuscripts Are Better Manuscripts,” pages 110-131 in Elijah Hixson and Peter J. Gurry (eds.), Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Textual Criticism. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2019.
  • “Quantifying New Testament Textual Variants: Key Witnesses in Acts and the Catholic Letters.” New Testament Studies 64/4 (2018): 551–572.
  • “Taking Inventory on the ‘Age of the Minuscules’: Later Manuscripts and the Byzantine Tradition within the Field of Textual Criticism.” Currents in Biblical Research 16/3 (2018): 263–308.
  • “Scriptural Inspiration and the Authorial ‘Original’ Amid Textual Complexity: The Sequences of the Murder–Adultery–Steal Commands as a Case Study.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 61/1 (2018): 47–81.
  • “A Case for the Assimilation of Matthew 21:44 to the Lukan ‘Crushing Stone’ (20:18), with Special Reference to 𝔓104.” TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism 21 (2016): 1–21.
  • “‘From God’ or ‘From Heaven’: ἐξ ὕψους in Luke 1,78.” Biblica 97/1 (2016): 121–127.
  • “Mapping the Vineyard: Main Lines of Investigation Regarding the Parable of the Tenants in the Synoptics and Thomas.” Currents in Biblical Research 15/1 (2016): 74–122.
  • “The Curious Case of צמח and ἀνατολή: An Inquiry into Septuagint Translation Patterns.” Journal of Biblical Literature 134/3 (2015): 505–527.
  • “Luke’s Distinctive Use of the Temple: Portraying the Divine Visitation.” Journal of Theological Studies 65/2 (2014): 433–462.
  • “The Rejected Stone in the Parable of the Wicked Tenants: Defending the Authenticity of Jesus’ Quotation of Psalm 118:22,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 56/4 (2013): 733–51.