RTS Orlando Announces “Meet the Author” Zoom Series

Lanier-Is-Jesus-Truly-God(OVIEDO, Fla.) — Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando will host multiple “Meet the Author” events this fall. Hosted via Zoom, these events will showcase the variety of publications the Orlando faculty have completed in 2020. The meetings will give both readers and prospective students the opportunity to hear RTS professors discuss their books in their own words.

The first interview of this series will take place on September 17 at 2:00 pm (eastern), featuring Dr. Greg Lanier. Dr. Lanier will discuss his newest book with Crossway, Is Jesus Truly God? This introduction to the biblical teaching on the divinity of Christ addresses the historic, Christian confession that Jesus is “true God from true God.” Dr. Lanier, Associate Professor of New Testament, teaches Greek and New Testament courses at RTS Orlando. He is also an associate pastor in the PCA.

Dr. Scott Swain, President of RTS Orlando, said, “Dr. Lanier is one of RTS Orlando’s most gifted professors. He also serves as a faithful pastor in a local congregation. In this new book, Dr. Lanier’s professorial and pastoral callings are on full display. He summarizes the best recent scholarship on the deity of Christ in the New Testament in a manner that is clear, accessible, and devotional in nature. This event will offer prospective students, as well as other friends of RTS Orlando, a great opportunity to get to know Dr. Lanier and his work.”

Future installments of this “Meet the Author” series will feature Dr. Swain’s forthcoming book, The Trinity: An Introduction, RTS Faculty contributors to the forthcoming Covenant Theology: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Perspectives, and Dr. Michael Allen on his forthcoming commentary on Ephesians.

Registration is required for each event; to register for the September 17 event with Dr. Lanier, click here.