RTS Faculty Members Honored With TGC Book Awards

Reformed Theological Seminary congratulates each faculty member represented in The Gospel Coalition (TGC) 2022 Book Awards. Each year, TGC reviews books across 12 categories and makes two awards for each category: Book of the Year and Award of Distinction.

TGC’s editors and judges review nominations from publishers based on the extent to which a book offers gospel-centered argument and application, includes faithful and foundational use of the Old and New Testaments, fosters spiritual discernment of contemporary trials and trends, and encourages efforts to unite and renew the church.

Bully PulpitBully Pulpit: Confronting the Problem of Spiritual Abuse in the Church (Zondervan, 2022) by Dr. Michael Kruger received the Book of the Year Award in the Ministry category. Dr. Kruger is the President and Samuel C. Patterson Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at RTS Charlotte.

Bully Pulpit offers a unique perspective for church leaders and members on the problem of spiritual abuse, how to identify it, and how to handle it in the church. Dr. Kruger consults Scripture, church history, and pastoral wisdom to help address issues of abuse in churches and Christian ministries.

“[Kruger] succeeds in creating a work that will be a change agent in our time and should live well beyond it,” says TGC’s website.

Reformed and Evangelical across four centuriesIn the History and Biography category, Reformed and Evangelical across Four Centuries: The Presbyterian Story in America (Eerdmans, 2022) received the Award of Distinction. Dr. Don Fortson co-authored the book with Drs. Ken Stewart, Nathan Feldmeth, and Garth Rosell. Drs. Fortson and Stewart served as co-editors. Reformed and Evangelical across Four Centuries is a definitive history of evangelical Presbyterianism, emphasizing the role of the evangelical movement in shaping various Presbyterian bodies in the United States.

Dr. Fortson is Professor of Church History and Pastoral Theology at RTS Charlotte, as well as Director of the DMin program for all of RTS.

The biggest story bible storybookThe Biggest Story Bible Storybook (Crossway, 2022) by Dr. Kevin DeYoung and illustrator Don Clark received the Award of Distinction in the Bible Study and Devotional Literature category. The Biggest Story Bible Storybook invites families to engage the unified story of Scripture through gospel-centered writing and captivating illustrations. From Genesis to Revelation, the book shares accessible retellings of key stories that connect the reader to the overarching storyline of the Bible.

Dr. DeYoung is Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at RTS Charlotte and the Senior Pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, N.C.