CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte’s Center for Church Planting will host the Forge Conference on January 16, 2023. The topic of the 2023 conference is “Engaging the Shift: Forward Facing Mission in an Age of Cultural Upheaval.”
The conference will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the chapel building on the RTS Charlotte campus and will include a catered breakfast and lunch. The purpose of the conference is to engage local pastors, church planters, and other church leaders with training and resources for healthy and effective church planting. Dr. Irwyn Ince and the Rev. Charles McKnight are the featured speakers.
Dr. Michael Kruger, President of RTS Charlotte, shared his excitement about the event.
“I am delighted to welcome Dr. Irwyn Ince and Charles McKnight to the Charlotte campus for the Forge Conference. Irwyn and Charles are important leaders in the field of church planting generally and, of course, both are especially important to us here at RTS,” he said. “The Center for Church Planting at RTS Charlotte continues to be an important source of encouragement and resources for pastors and other church leaders, regionally and nationally, as they engage in the challenging work of planting and growing new churches.”
The conference is free to attend, but registration is required.
Featured Speakers

Dr. Irwyn Ince is the Coordinator of Mission to North America (MNA), the domestic church planting arm of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). He is also an adjunct professor of pastoral theology at RTS and regularly teaches classes at several RTS campuses. Dr. Ince earned an MAR degree at RTS Washington and a DMin degree at Covenant Theological Seminary.

The Rev. Charles McKnight also serves at MNA as Coordinator of African American Ministries and in several other advisory and leadership roles. He has coached and mentored church planters for several years and is a church planter himself. McKnight is a graduate of RTS Charlotte, having completed his Master of Divinity degree in 2015.