(MARIETTA, Ga.) – The Board of Trustees of Reformed Theological Seminary is pleased to announce that Drs. Aaron Menikoff and Carlton Wynne have been appointed as adjunct professors at RTS Atlanta. Dr. Menikoff is Adjunct Professor of Church History and Dr. Wynne is Adjunct Professor of Systematic Theology.
Dr. Guy Richard, President of RTS Atlanta, shared, “I am thrilled to be adding Carlton Wynne and Aaron Menikoff to our faculty here in Atlanta. Carlton and Aaron are pastor-scholars with impressive credentials and a long list of accomplishments. But, more importantly, they are good men who love the Lord Jesus, his Word, and his people. I am greatly encouraged to have them serving in positions where they can influence the next generation of leaders in Christ’s church.”
Dr. Aaron Menikoff
Dr. Menikoff earned his B.S. from the University of Oregon, and his MDiv and Ph.D. from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Since June 2008, he has served as the senior pastor of Mount Vernon Baptist Church in Atlanta. Prior to being called to pastoral ministry, he worked as a legislative assistant to the late U.S. Senator Mark O. Hatfield. He also served on the staff and as an elder of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. During his time in seminary, he served as an elder and interim pastor at Third Avenue Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky.
Dr. Bob Cara, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at RTS, said, “I appreciate Dr. Menikoff’s efforts to explicitly connect church history lessons to the modern church. Dr. Menikoff’s commitment to Reformed theology from within a Reformed Baptist context aids RTS students in having a full-orbed understanding of the Reformed tradition.”
Dr. Menikoff is the organizer and host of “Feed My Sheep,” an annual conference for pastors and church leaders in the Atlanta area. He also serves on the administrative team of the Greater Atlanta Baptist Network where he leads a monthly pastors’ fellowship. He is the author of Politics and Piety: Baptist Social Reform in America, 1770-1860, and is a regular contributor to The Gospel Coalition and other websites.
“I’m grateful for the presence of RTS in Atlanta and truly honored to be able to serve the many students training for ministry,” said Dr. Menikoff. “Every generation knows the pressing need for theological education. RTS, partnered with the local church, is in a strategic position to help get the gospel to our neighborhoods and the nations. I’m excited to be a part of this great work.”
Dr. Carlton Wynne
Rev. Dr. Carlton Wynne is an ordained teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). He served as a pastor in Dallas, TX, before completing a Ph.D. in systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. He then joined the theology faculty there and taught for years before moving to Atlanta, where he serves as Associate Pastor at Westminster Presbyterian Church (PCA).
“I have known Dr. Wynne for almost twenty years,” said Dr. Bob Cara. “Among his many outstanding traits is his Christian character. Dr. Wynne’s commitment to both scholarship and the church and enthusiasm for the Bible and Reformed theology dovetails well with RTS’ emphases.”
Dr. Wynne’s academic interests include Trinitarian theology, apologetics, and biblical theology in the tradition of Geerhardus Vos. He is particularly interested in the integration of those areas of study and their bearing on the life of the church. He has written numerous articles and has contributed to many publications.
“As an RTS alum and a periodic guest professor over many years now, I count it a joy and a privilege to join the team at RTS Atlanta as an adjunct faculty member in training future pastors and leaders in Christ’s church,” Dr. Wynne commented. “Today’s challenges are great, but the living God is greater. May he bless RTS Atlanta as we champion his unchanging Word for the world.”
RTS Atlanta
RTS Atlanta is a growing campus located on eight beautiful acres just outside of the Perimeter in south Marietta. The campus has been training pastors, campus ministers, missionaries, educators, and church leaders in the Atlanta area for more than 20 years. They currently have around 200 students who are studying for the Master of Divinity degree, the Master of Arts degree (in Religion or Biblical Studies), and a variety of other certificate and course offerings.
RTS Atlanta is also home to the Alonzo and Althea Edmiston Center for the Study of the Bible & Ethnicity (ECSBE), which seeks to foster an appreciation for the histories and cultures of people groups that are outside of the dominant culture and, in doing so, to provide additional training for church leaders who especially want to minister in multi-ethnic, cross-cultural, and foreign missions contexts. To find out more about RTS Atlanta or the Edmiston Center, go to www.rts.edu/Atlanta or call 770-952-8884.