General Information

Job Title:


Job Description:

Preaching: Preach in weekly worship services at least 3 times a month including leading
worship and administration of the sacraments
Teaching: Teach God’s Word in Sunday School and/or church-organized bible studies
Shepherding: Pastoral care and counsel of church family including the sick
Discipleship: Engage in discipling and training leaders to build up the family of Christ.
Outreach: Promote and instill a culture of evangelism and encourage church participation
Works of mercies: Oversee the ministry to address the various needs within and without the

Church website:

Position Qualifications:

  • Faithful expository preaching and teaching of God’s Word
  • Committed to the Reformed Faith expressed in the Westminster Standards
  • Missional outlook and mindset
  • A Gospel-centred ministry philosophy and emphasis
  • A pastoral heart for the discipleship of both believers and non-believers.
  • Manifesting servant leadership
  • Resident status in Singapore

Application Deadline


Job Type:

Full Time

Salary Range:


General Information

Church/Organization Name

Providence Reformed Presbyterian Church (PRPC), SINGAPORE

Contact Name & Contact Info

(065) 969-2296;




Presbyterian - Other

City, State

Description of Organization

Providence Reformed Presbyterian Church (PRPC) is a local church in the city-state of Singapore. Our congregation has over 30 members (not including the children).
Our calling at Providence is to be “A household for our triune God, where each member shines forth his holy, life-giving presence”
To fulfill our calling, we seek by God’s grace, to use the means He has given us to:
• Worship God according to his Word; in Spirit and in truth.
• Proclaim the joyful, liberating gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ through Word and sacrament.
• Equip believers for their holy service through the regular teaching of the Word of God
from pulpit and small group
• Nurture a close-knit community of believers where holy, life-giving love is the rule.
• Build mutually encouraging relationships with likeminded churches

PRPC practices the Presbyterian form of church government where a session of elders and deacon leadss the congregation. At the same time, we emphasize a participative membership.

Contact : Pastoral Search Committee at, giving a resume and
background of interest

Apply Online Contact Via Email