About Global courses
Reformed Theological Seminary Global & Distance Education has launched three new online courses: Personal Sanctification, Poets, and Worship. RTS Global & Distance Education provides three fully-online degrees and offers students more options for timing and location. Students can enroll in a course anytime and will have three months to complete the course. Additionally, students from other RTS campuses are able to take online courses to fulfill degree requirements. Read about these new courses and complete the form below to speak with admissions about how to begin.
Personal Sanctification (PT5375)
PT5375 Personal Sanctification is a brand-new course, which is now open for enrollment as part of the RTS Global & Distance Education online curriculum. This course features Dr. Michael Allen, John Dyer Trimble Professor of Systematic Theology and Academic Dean of RTS-Orlando, as the lecturing professor. He is joined by a select group of guest lecturers to include Rev. Michael Glodo, Dr. Mark Futato, and Mr. John Muether. Dr. Allen will also serve as professor of record, interacting with students online, as he draws from his years of teaching and pastoral experience.
With a balanced mix of doctrine and devotion, this course will guide the student through the theological framework, biblical themes, and practical outworking of personal holiness. Enroll now to gain a better understanding of how our Triune God conforms us to the image of Jesus Christ as we grow in love for the Lord.

Poets (OT5300)
A new version of a classic, Old Testament course: OT5300 Poets, this course features Dr. Richard Belcher, John D. and Frances M. Gwin Professor of Old Testament and Academic Dean of RTS-Charlotte and RTS-Atlanta. Dr. Belcher serves as professor of record, interacting with students online, as he draws from his extensive teaching and pastoral experience.
This course examines the literary structure, themes, and history of the wisdom literature of the Old Testament. With an emphasis on understanding these texts in their own historical and literary context, Dr. Belcher will guide the student on a journey through these books and how they fit into redemptive history as well as their application in the life of the Christian today.

Worship (PT5300)
This 2-credit hour version of the Worship (PT5300) course replaces the previous 3-credit hour version to satisfy the new unified curricula as a required course for all three M.A. degrees (M.A.B.S., M.A.T.S., and M.A.R.) as well as the M.Div. This course features lectures in HD Video from Dr. J. Ligon Duncan, RTS Chancellor & CEO and the John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, and will guide the student through the biblical foundations of worship, including music, worship strategies, creative styles, and worship for special occasions.
This course will help the students to become more effective church leaders in worship as they are equipped to articulate the theology and practice of worship both corporately and personally. Dr. Guy Waters, James M. Baird, Jr. Professor of New Testament at RTS-Jackson, serves as professor of record, interacting with students online, as he draws from his many years of teaching and pastoral experience.