General Information
Job Title:
Job Description:
To prepare individuals to become effective, responsible, and godly ministers through study and practice
The Ministry Internship exists to provide experience in a specific ministry field to individuals who have discerned God’s calling but have not yet embarked upon formal theological education.
Each intern will be assigned a track at the discretion of the church staff and the Executive Committee (ExComm), based upon the intern’s experience, gifting, and vision for future ministry. Track options include: pastoral, campus ministry, international ministry, counseling, youth ministry, and music
Full-time internships last for a twelve-month period and consist of 10-15 hours per week of general intern training, with 25-30+ hours per week devoted to the intern’s specific ministry track. A second year internship may be offered by the intern’s advisor with the approval of ExComm.
A full description of the internship program can be found here:
Position Qualifications:
– An evident love for Christ, for His Word, and for His people
– An ability to work well with others
– A desire to pursue full-time pastoral, counseling, campus, youth, or music ministry
– A vibrant personal holiness
– General agreement with URC’s confession of faith and the Reformed confessions to which it holds
– A bachelor’s degree or above
Application Deadline
Job Type:
Full Time
Salary Range:
General Information
Church/Organization Name
University Reformed Church
Contact Name & Contact Info
Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)
City, State
East Lansing, MI
Description of Organization
University Reformed Church is a Bible-believing church in East Lansing, Michigan near Michigan State University. We strive to be a Christ-centered, Bible based, mission minded, burden-bearing, mercy-ministering, pilgrim people who are passionately and prayerfully committed to glorifying God and enjoying Him in all of life.
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