General Information
Job Title:
High School Youth Director
Job Description:
Covenant is currently accep1ng applica1ons for High School Youth Director to work with our current youth staff. The primary purpose of this posi1on is to disciple students to know Christ, grow in their rela1onship with him, and serve him in his church and the world. The director will develop and lead a comprehensive high school youth ministry (grades 9-12), implement its philosophy of ministry, build out and lead its ministries, and oversee the development of staff and volunteers. Addi1onally, this posi1on will focus on crea1ng an environment where students want to come, connect, play, learn, and build rela1onships to beIer understand and experience God’s love for them. This role will also assist and empower parents/guardians in raising their teenagers to a spiritual awareness and maturity. If you, or someone you know, are interested in this posi1on, please send a leIer of interest and current resume to Patrick Curles, Execu1ve Pastor, at
Position Qualifications:
Application Deadline
Job Type:
Full Time
Salary Range:
General Information
Church/Organization Name
Covemant Presbyterian Church - Nashville, TN
Contact Name & Contact Info
Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)
City, State
Nashville, TN
Description of Organization
Covenant is a vibrant community of believers who are committed to corporate worship, growth through teaching and discipleship, caring for one another, and spreading the hope of the gospel throughout Nashville and beyond.
Covenant Presbyterian Church was organized in the fall of 1990 by the Nashville Presbytery of the PCA. Located in the heart of the Green Hills area of Nashville, Covenant is easily accessible to many of the growing neighborhoods in our city. Covenant’s 30-year history has been filled with clear evidence of God’s provisions for our congregation. We have seen how the Lord is always good, always faithful, and always refining His people so that we are equipped for His kingdom work. As a congregation, we have developed a keen sense of our human frailty and an even greater understanding of Christ’s reconciling work on our behalf.
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