General Information

Job Title:


Job Description:

Wanted: Full-time Pastor

Living Water Church in Cloverdale, California, seeks a full-time Pastor to serve our community in beautiful northern Sonoma County. He is to be a man gifted by the Holy Spirit to teach and preach, and will possess all the qualities of an Elder as set forth in 1 Timothy. He must have a passion for Christ, and the study of God’s holy, inerrant word. This man must be well-equipped for training, discipleship, and leadership. He should have a heart for outreach, and a desire to enable and encourage our congregation to spread God’s love and word to others in our community. He will be able to work with individuals and families of all ages, encouraging spiritual growth and maturity. Our new Pastor will be expected to work alongside our church leadership, and to provide encouragement, guidance, and direction to the administrative committees of our church.

Position Qualifications:

Our future Pastor must be committed to preaching and teaching the Gospel, and to maintaining orthodoxy in church doctrine. While some degree of freedom is allowed within the realm of theological belief, we expect our pastor to remain in full agreement with the Baptist Faith and Message of the Southern Baptist Convention ( We expect the Pastor to have both the ability and the desire to preach and teach the Word of God, whether through expository or topical sermons.

Finally, we desire a Pastor who has a heart for both ministering to our members, and for evangelism through reaching out to the lost or seeking in our community. While we desire growth in our church as well, we wish to do so within God’s purpose, will, and design. We desire a man with spiritual maturity, grace, and humility, to lead us in our own walks of faith.

Application Deadline


Job Type:

Full Time

Salary Range:


General Information

Church/Organization Name

Living Water Church

Contact Name & Contact Info

(615) 964-0233




Southern Baptist Convention (SBC)

City, State

Cloverdale, CA

Description of Organization

About our Church


Living Water Church is a small community church in Cloverdale, California, in northern Sonoma County. We are approximately 30 minutes north of the City of Santa Rosa, and an hour and a half north of San Francisco. Our town is home to approximately 8,000 residents of diverse demographic background. Cloverdale is a small community with a small town “feel,” however we are close enough to larger cities to provide easy access to travel and other resources.


Our church was founded as First Baptist Church of Cloverdale in 1947, and remains associated with both the Redwood Empire Baptist Association and the Southern Baptist Convention. We have approximately 100 active church members, of whom about 60-80 are regular attendees.


Living Water Church is demographically diverse, both ethnically and with a full range of ages. Approximately one third of Cloverdale is Spanish-speaking as their first language, and so a bilingual applicant (or a willingness to learn Spanish), while not required, would be a plus. Our church is attended by those of all ages, with a strong children’s ministry. Any applicant would be expected to be willing and able to help continue to grow and develop our children’s ministry, and to love, nurture, and disciple our children and families. If married, any applicant’s wife would also be expected to have a heart for ministry and for sharing in the pastoral care of the church family.

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