General Information

Job Title:


Job Description:


Alfred-Almond Bible Church is seeking a full-time Pastor who will partner with our Teaching Pastor and several lay elders in providing shepherding and instruction for our church. This man will provide primary oversight of the church’s young adult, teen, and children’s ministry, while also periodically sharing in expository preaching responsibilities for the gathered church on Sunday mornings. We desire to call a Pastor who exhibits a passion for Jesus, creativity for outreach, and energy working directly with younger people.

To learn more about our church, please consider the following document, “Getting to Know AABC”:

Job Expectations/Responsibilities

  • Coordinate with other Elders in broad oversight of all church ministries via bi-monthly meetings
  • Provide biblical teaching and leadership for the young adult ministry
  • Assess and develop plans for collegiate outreach (Alfred State and Alfred University)
  • Oversee ministries to kids and teens, including training and accountability for volunteers
  • Provide support and encouragement for parents in the discipleship of their children
  • Implement a vision for regular engagement with the surrounding community
  • Coordinate with other “staff pastor” and secretary in the office to handle administrative duties
  • Taking responsibility for a portion of the congregation to serve as the point man for providing shepherding and guidance for their needs
  • Preach up to twice a month in Sunday morning gatherings
  • Officiate weddings and/or funerals when possible/requested
  • Participate in a Care Group

Position Qualifications:

Non-negotiable Qualifications

  • Exhibits biblical qualifications of elders (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-9)
  • Works hard in studying, preaching, and teaching the Scriptures (1 Timothy 5:17; 2 Timothy 2:15)
  • Able to defend sound doctrine, engaging in disagreement with gentleness and humility, pursuing unity (2 Timothy 2:24-25; Ephesians 4:1-3)
  • Displays integrity and authenticity in word and deed (Titus 2:7-8)
  • Sets a good example in speech, behavior, love, faith, and purity (1 Timothy 4:12)
  • Able to affirm the Articles of Faith of AABC in good conscience

Desirable Experience and Educational Qualifications

  • Five years ministry experience
  • College degree or equivalent training in biblical studies, theology, ministry, or biblical counseling
  • Biblical counseling certification welcomed

Desirable Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

  • Clear written and verbal communication
  • Able and willing to delegate ministry with oversight
  • Effective discussion-leading skills, encouraging participation
  • Able to accept decisions, even when not in full agreement
  • Able to work effectively with others in ministry roles
  • Good administrative data management skills
  • Excellent active listening skills
  • Quick, effective, and direct in conflict resolution

Application Deadline


Job Type:

Full Time

Salary Range:


General Information

Church/Organization Name

Alfred-Almond Bible Church

Contact Name & Contact Info

(607) 276-6700





City, State

Almond, NY

Description of Organization

Alfred-Almond Bible Church is a “Bible church,” in the truest sense of that word. This church has been founded on the truth of Scripture; the people of this church have been nourished by the Scriptures; and the leaders of this church are committed to continue equipping the saints for the work of ministry by bringing the Bible to bear on every area of life—whether in preaching, teaching, discipleship, or counseling.

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