Dr. Ligon Duncan shares The Adorable Trinity by Dr. Mantle Nance. In The Adorable Trinity, Dr. Nance looks at the 19th-century controversies about the doctrine of the Trinity.
Hello, I’m Ligon Duncan, and this is RTS Book Notes. Today, I’d like to tell you about a book by an RTS graduate. Dr. Mantle Nance is the pastor of the Ballantyne Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. He graduated from RTS Charlotte and then also did doctoral work at the University of Aberdeen. And this book is called The Adorable Trinity, and it looks at the 19th-century controversies over the doctrine of the Trinity, and looks at how the historic doctrine of the Trinity was defended by faithful theologians in that time. If you’re interested in the history of the doctrine of the Trinity and controversies that have occurred in church history over that important doctrine, this book will be a help to you. It’s published by Christian Focus Publications in their Mentor series, which is their academic imprint. Thanks for listening to RTS Book Notes.