Wisdom Wednesday
Latest Interviews

Is Theonomy biblical?

Dr. Guy Waters

Dr. Guy Waters dives into the concept of theonomy and explores whether the civil laws of the Old Testament are still relevant to us today.

Does God speak to us outside of Scripture?

Dr. Ligon Duncan

Dr. Ligon Duncan explores how God speaks to us through His written word by looking to the Scriptures and to Jesus' teaching.

What is the importance of hymns in worship?

Dr. Ligon Duncan

Dr. Ligon Duncan reflects on the importance of congregational singing in worship, explaining how hymns help us understand and articulate biblical truth.

Is biblical counseling important now more than ever?

Dr. Keith Evans

Dr. Keith Evans offers insights on the purpose and importance of biblical counseling, tracing the practice through the Bible to its relevance today.

What was Paul’s thorn in the flesh?

Dr. Zachary Cole

Dr. Zach Cole discusses the Apostle Paul's thorn in the flesh and explains how believers can be encouraged that God's power is perfected in weakness.

What can we learn from Robert Murray M’Cheyne?

Dr. Jordan Stone

Dr. Jordan Stone talks about the life and ministry of Robert Murray M'Cheyne and how believers can learn from his example of love for Christ.

What makes the Christian worldview unique?

Dr. Gray Sutanto

Dr. Gray Sutanto explains three ways in which the Christian worldview offers a unique perspective on problems of human sin and culture.

How do I read the Gospels?

Dr. Greg Lanier

Dr. Greg Lanier offers four suggestions for reading and understanding the Gospels in context and delighting in them as the story of Jesus Christ.

What is the role of the Ten Commandments in the Christian’s life?

Dr. William Wood

Dr. William Wood explains how the Ten Commandments lay out what the Christian life looks like and how to avoid the extremes of legalism or licentiousness.

How do we raise our children in the faith?

Dr. John V. Fesko

Dr. J.V. Fesko suggests three practical ways that believing parents can cultivate and nurture a strong foundation in the Christian faith for their children.

What is the significance of the sacraments in the book of Joshua?

Dr. John Currid

Dr. John Currid examines circumcision and Passover in the book of Joshua, highlighting the significance of the sacraments for believers today.

What is the danger of isolation for a church leader?

Dr. Paul S. Jeon

Dr. Paul Jeon gives practical insight into how pastors and church leaders can guard against isolation and cultivate a life of repentance.

Dr. Duncan talks about the significance of reaching episode 100.

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About Wisdom Wednesday

Wisdom Wednesday is a weekly video series where relevant matters of the Christian faith are addressed by RTS faculty and friends with truth, candor, and grace. Check back each week for a new video from Reformed Theological Seminary, a seminary with a Mind for Truth and a Heart for God.

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